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Another Inspirational Message from Equalitee | Love is to be Discovered


May 21, 2014
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Hello everyone!

So today, after my 8 AM to 4 PM shift at work, my mother picked me up to do some shopping before we got home. When I got home, I took a shower, and then realized, "oh yeah! Big Brother was on last night! I should watch it!"

During the episode of Big Brother, Frankie Grande, Ariana Grande's brother, won HOH (Head of Household). Just before Frankie did his nominations to evict a houseguest, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd, players from Seasons 11 and 13, appeared as guest stars on the show. After they meet all of the houseguests, Jeff takes Jordan to the backyard for a "secret competition." It was a lie. Instead, Jeff proposed to Jordan on national television. Immediately after, I burst out into tears of happiness and excitement for them. Following the proposal, after she agreed of course, their dog and family members from both sides of the family, as well as the remaining houseguests, all meet up in the backyard to congratulate them on their engagement. As part of the proposal, Jeff also arranged that one of Jordan's favourite country singers, Brett Eldredge, appear on the show to sing and perform their proposal song.

Anyways, the point I am try to get across here is that love can be found anywhere. I mean, how did they know that they would fall in love after applying to be on a reality television show?!

Just know, no one is more important to you than the person you love. It may take a while to find them, even in the oddest of places, but as you can see, it is well worth it. Others may not agree with your decisions, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are happy with your life, and are loved by those who surround you. Those who fail to stick by your side, and support you, are not deserving of what you have provided them for oh so long. A life full of purpose is why you are here. You are not to be brought down by those who are jealous of you.

Anyways, as I finish up this post, I just want to say, don't give up! Someone that loves you is out there. Whether it is the person you play with on MCG, a friend at school, or a co-worker, love is around, is just has yet to be discovered.

May the odds be ever in your favour in your journey for love and success!

Equalitee | Nathan.


Sep 7, 2014
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It's too late at night don't make me cry ;-;

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