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And It's Only Just Begun (1000th Post)


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
1000th post. Wow.

It's been a heck of a ride to say the least.

I guess that it's time to get down to business. :)

Before I tell you about my MCG story, let me give you a bit of backstory on things...
One day, I got a message from a not so close friend of mine if I wanted to play COD Black Ops 2. I decided why not, and played for the next few days with him. Eventually, we started trolling people on Black Ops 2. We were both pretty much squeakers, so obviously our trolling didn't go so well. :p

However, we did become good friends but eventually started drifting away and didn't talk for a few months. Little did we know what MCG had in store...

How it all began...

July 2013/August 2013
Tuesday, July 16th, 2013. I had been playing Minecraft for about a year, playing and moderating on a creative server for the entirety of my time playing Minecraft. It began when I was eating a bag of cheetos and watching The Longest Yard on Netflix. Don't ask me why I remember that...

Anyhow, I got a message from someone on Facebook and saw it was the same guy who I had trolled with a few months prior. He asked me when I wanted to play Minecraft with him. This is the exact message.

http://gyazo.com/3450d0d223d8705ab95499ce7b1f3e03 (A bit small but it was a facebook message so eh)

We started playing and were absolutely terrible. I still had a ton of fun, and spent a lot of time with my friend whom is named Alex. This was back when MCSG had the PMC servers out to showcase new maps, I believe. When the PMC servers went down, we were in disarray because we thought the whole server went down forever. Then we found out about the actual MCSG servers, which we were pretty relieved about.

Eventually, Alex got his first win while I was spectating and we were pretty much freaking out. I was determined to win a game. The next day, it was just Alex and I left in a game before deathmatch. I realized I could get my first win, and betrayed Alex almost immediately after we killed the last person. He got angry and I was convinced I had basically just destroyed a friendship, but I apologized and he got over it in like a day. Here's a screenshot of our conversation after I had betrayed, again on Facebook.


After that, Alex started to get a lot better and I didn't get much better. Didn't bother me though, as I was just having that much fun playing with him.

By the start of September, I had about 3 wins and Alex had about 7.

September/November 2013
By this time, Alex had started a YouTube channel. I remember his first video, we were so excited that he was going to become like the next BajanCanadian but really, we were still "squeaker than squeaky" and not many people would have wanted to watch videos with voices like our's. :p Check out Alex's welcome to my channel video, and you'll know what I mean.

I remember Alex sending me a screenshot of him with 555 points, and we both thought we were like the best players ever, no joke. By now, Alex was getting pretty good and had his gaming PC, so he was loads better than me. He killed me in pretty much every single 1v1 we ever had. Also, we both started playing GTA5 in late September so I took a bit of a break from MCSG. However, I did come back to playing frequent SG by the end of November.

December 2013
By this time, I had 100 wins and was just starting to become familiar with the ingame CA community. I also started playing on the US servers during this month, where I started to meet a few friends. On December 15th, I finally bought Diamond donator as pretty much all my friends had donor except for me, making it hard for me to get into a game with them. A few days shortly after that, I finally joined the forums! I didn't really join the forums with a purpose to really do anything but as you can see in this screenshot, I guess I joined for clans? :p


January 2014
At the end of December, Alex and I had made a clan named #SubZero.

I admit, we were pretty bad but it was really just a clan for some in real life friends to get together and have a good time. Throughout this month, we had a few clan battles and such but nothing too substantial. Eventually, I left because the clan was boring as Alex and I were really lazy leaders. :p I then tried to make another clan called #Hustle (don't ask) which crashed and burned within 2 days.

February 2014
During this time, I became a REALLY big clan hopper. I'm talking being in a clan for 2 days, and leaving. Let's just say this wasn't my best period on MCG.

I decided what I was doing wasn't right, and that I needed to stop. One day, I finally decided to legitimately start foruming, rather than using the forum strictly for clans. Of course, I wasn't the greatest at it when I began but I kept on because it was a ton of fun meeting new people! By this time, I had joined a clan called #Viscore with a few in real life friends which was lead by Fusionnuggets. This clan was a ton of fun, and it was the first clan I really felt welcomed into.

March 2014
This is where I finally started seeing the forum god himself, Mooclan around the forums. I felt like I needed to step up my forum activeness and not just comment on Community Corner threads, so I started reporting people. By reporting players, I felt great knowing hackers and other rule breakers were off the network, so I recommend you all to do the same! This month was me becoming less active in game, and focusing on the forums.

April 2014
My birthday was during this month, so because I was still using a mac with 20 fps on tiny render distance, I ask for a gaming computer. My parents bought me a gaming laptop, which I absolutely love. I started to become somewhat better at the game during this time purely for the fact that I had a constant 100 fps. I contemplated making a YouTube channel for pretty much all of April, but never did.

May 2014
By the start of May, I had decided to finally start my Youtube! So on May 8th, I began my journey on YouTube. I made my welcome to my channel video, which honestly is so terrible that I seriously need to make a new one. :) Here's my welcome to my channel video.

I then begun uploading every other day, and kept the streak going for a pretty long time! By this time, Viscore had already disbanded but a few days after, The Haunted was created which was again lead by Fusionnuggets. This was probably the best clan I've ever been in.

June 2014
What happened during this month is something that is going to affect me for months to come. It was an ordinary day in singleplayer, where I was building in survival using Damage Indicators. Whenever I switch to multiplayer, I always take off my Damage Indicators as I know that is an illegal mod within MCGamer. I forgot to take it off in one game, sent in a screenshot of someone spamming with it on in report abuse, and got banned for 7 days. This was before the rule about 1 year old bans not being relevant to moderator applications so I was convinced I could never apply for moderator. I tried to dispute it almost immediately, only have my ban be upheld. I almost left MCG during this period of time but decided to stay because of all the great friends I had made and my YouTube channel. Here's the screenshot I sent in the report abuse.


July 2014
When The Haunted disbanded, Haunted was created which I led alongside my friend Alex (you guys thought I forgot about him didn't you) and Fusionnuggets. I led for about a week until I realized that I had lost pretty much all interest in clans a while before, and didn't understand why I was an owner. So I stepped down and left the clan, for the best of the clan. Who wants an owner who was interested in playing?

During this month, I finally hit 100 subscribers and released a montage! Here's the montage, if you want to check it out.

Also around this time, I made a thread on the forums attempting to get as many players as possible to say my name. I tried my best to update the thread for a while, but eventually I got lazy but I still got a decent amount of people to say my name which was some fun. Here's the link to check it out.


August 2014
I was gone for the first week of August at an overnight basketball camp, so I missed some things within the forums that I might still not even know happened. :p

I also attempted to submit another ban dispute for my temporary ban, and got this response:


At this point I had pretty much given up on trying to get the ban off my record. I decided the way I could help out the community was through helping players on the forums and making players feel welcome. I tried to welcome as many new players as I could, and helped re direct players to where they needed to go on the forums, which I really enjoyed and still do.

During the early portion of this month, Alex, Sarju777 and a few others started on a map. The theme was supposed the be a Zoo, and it was turning out pretty well but then everyone just got really sidetracked. We never ended up finishing it, which stunk.

Alex was also accepted for interview to become an MCGamer moderator after a few tries during this month. I remember him skyping me and asking me to look at his screen share. All I saw was "You have been accepted for interview" and my eyes sorta popped out of my head. :p

September 2014

September. The start of another school year, which is my last before high school.

The second time I almost left.

My parents wanted me to stop playing Minecraft altogether because they felt like it was taking over my life and reflecting on my grades. They almost sold my laptop, but in the end understood how much I enjoy this game and community. I also hit 200 subscribers near the beginning of September!

After the whole leaving thing, Alex finally got his interview for moderator. I remember sitting in teamspeak looking at the interview room, wondering what was going on in there. I then saw Alex get [Mod] beside his name. I couldn't believe it, my best friend was an MCGamer moderator. :)

October 2014
I began to write this story during October, trying to remember bits and pieces of my time here. If you really want to see what I've done during October because I did literally nothing exciting, just go to my profile on the forums and check my postings. :)

That's my story thus far!

Also, if you guys didn't catch on, my friend named Alex is Moose. :p

It's been great here so far, and here's to 1000 more posts!



Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Yeee congrats on 1k posts Jaan! Here's to another 1000!


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
I hit 1k posts yesterday, but didn't make a fancy thread like you... Congrats regardless c:


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats Jaan! Here's to another thousand!


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats bro! It's a great feeling! But now your 1,001 post has to be in the Show Yourself thread ;D

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