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Alright, hey there.


Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Hiya, I'm Purge, otherwise known as Garren. I am 13 years old. I am somewhat of an old player, I played a game or two in the late beta days on my old account, of which I don't want to name, and I never registered on the forums until April 2013. My IGN is Purge_Hawk1, so if you see me in-game, don't be afraid to drop by and say hello.

This is my second introduction thread, I'm creating this new one, because over the past few months, I've been gradually changing and molding myself into that person I want to be. To those who have been paying attention to my actions, of which I doubt that there are many, you could definitely say that I was immature and childish. I'll be fully honest here, because this is a new start for me, I guess; I have bad-mouthed MCGamer for a numerous amount of times, and all of those decisions were merely made out of a bad day on MCSG, and deciding at the spur of the moment. Now that I look back at my actions, I regret being acting like that, and I really just want to erase my wrong doings, but I can't, so I'll kill all those actions with right doings. Anyway, I'm more of a calm, and kind natured person now, and that was what I was striving for. Right now, my goal here on MCGamer is to become a respected forumer, and for that to happen, I will have to be active on here, posting frequently and such; of which I plan on doing.

I love graphic and visual design. I've been playing Minecraft for nearly 4 years now, I started way back in Minecraft 1.9 beta, and I really do miss those days; wow, life can really go by fast that it amazes you once in a while. I am a theory guy that likes to talk about topics and share my thoughts about that certain topic. I've been playing video games since I was about 6, and my first game was Command & Conquer: Zero Hour. I know, I know, a 6 year old playing Command & Conquer; a strategical game that requires skill, that seems quite hard to believe right? Well, I guess not for my family. I come from a family that lives in poverty right now. With my grandma having cancer, a lot of members from my mom and dad's side of the family asking for money, and this new house that we just moved in a year ago, my parents are just stressed out of question. Anyway, furthermore to the introductory. I like to play games strategically, more so defensive than offensive, I just don't know as to why I do so.

I guess this is enough information you need to know about me, other than my face, that's something you won't see in a while. Anyway, see you all. :)

- Garren


Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Have you tried StarCraft 2? Amazing RTS game.

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