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After the update...


Apr 6, 2014
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After the update of the MCGamer network, I was very well intrigued, and grateful that we as a community have gone so far at this point of time. I have noticed bugs and glitches, which are already acknowledged among the rest of the community, but I don't mind, as long as we continue stepping forward as a network; that would be something I care about.
Unfortunately, I have come across the realization that some people are still yet to consider what has been done. Hence showing such ungratefulness towards our hard working, and incredible staff members.

Some people have unfortunately harassed others, or criticizing the staff members of the community due to the change, and they would blatantly claim that it had become a bad server. And little did they consider about how much effort, time and dedication our amazing developers and administrators have put to make this server.
Out of my current sheer frustration I have had the epiphany to know that we, as a community, must finally step up and show some gratitude towards our amazing staff members.
The fact that they are usually treated like robots, people believing with such delusion that they are the source to perfection, and yet severely criticize them for it in a manner, disgusts me.
Our current staff team are human beings too, they have had the choice to volunteering for this amazing server, and help improve it.
And as humans are, we all make mistakes, but at no point do we have the right to discriminate the staff team for the few mistakes they have made.

And as previously stated before, the server has a lot of bugs and issues to fix. But that's the exact point of good development, because it lets the network developers know what to fix, and what to improve, if we have taken consideration, then we should, by now, have realized that issues take time to fix. And that's alright, what's not alright is the fact that people are being inpatient with it, it's as if that if a higher ranked staff member is online, we expect them to magically take away all the issues.
But let's face reality, that won't happen so fast. Issues like that take time to fix, and we should be grateful that they are actually taking their time off to fix them.

Also, there were still complaints of the hacker issues. The fact is that people are still yet to realize, it will be next to impossible to rid all of the hackers away from out network. But imagine this, without our great staff members, then things would have become worse.

To my conclusion, we must show some sympathy towards all the problems every single staff member goes through every day. Now imagine this, if you were in the feet of the developers, the administrators, the moderators, and you got severely criticized, how would you feel?
This is why we should show some gratitude towards all the things the staff members have done for us, and the the things they had to go through. Also, if you don't really admire the update, I would highly encourage those who are complaining in hub right now to stop, and go to another server you like, because if there isn't valid points of argument towards the negative side of MCGamer, then what is the point of criticizing a network with something that is not true?

Rant over. I do beg your pardon for that, I just felt as if I wanted to get it off my chest, it is painful knowing that some people are still to have manners in chat.

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i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I quite agree with your point Miner.
Just a good hour ago me and Miner realized something. Not many people were appreciating what the staff and players have done. This has led to a lot of messages me and Miner sent correcting them and telling them how hard the staff worked to deliver the update. A specific fellow called bryce888 is hating on the staff and still is while I am typing this. I am trying to say that:


Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
I really appreciate a thread like this. All I can say is things will be getting a lot better very soon. Another thing users could do to get our bugs/glitches solved would be to report them alloweing for the developers to take appropriate measures. This thread really inspired me and I believe everyone will be happier if cooperation is formed.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for your appreciation guys. The situation is not an easy one to handle, but we can get through this! MCGamer v2 will live up to its expectations and more :)


Apr 13, 2013
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I didn't bother reading past your first paragraph, Miner. Lovey-dovey, communistic harmony and unity aside, like with the MCSG hub, people are going to hate what's new and changed. Don't let it snowball by making threads about feelings. Let's just leave it at #LoveTheStaff . No further discussion necessary. Case closed. Don't whine about naysayers.


Apr 19, 2014
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Awesome thread Miner :) The staff have a long overdue thanks.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score

Oops, I mean #LoveTheStaff...

Nevertheless, as always we must give it time to develop, all things we aren't accustomed to will eventualyl grow on us and we may even end up liking them. As long as we keep an open mind and a positive attitude everything will be good

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