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About Fancy!


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Firstly would like to thank Mark27 for making the template.

My IRL name: Zach
Age: 15
Favourite Youtuber: I can't say I watch much YouTube, I only find songs ;-;
How did i find out about MCSG? Google! :3

What I love about MCSG? I love MCSG because the community is great, although it can be harshly toxic. There was once a time where everyone was friends. I like the fact that as a Moderator, I am giving back what MCSG gave me, years ago.

One Cool Fact? In 3 years of playing MCSG, I haven't improved at all- infact, I won more games back then.
One Embarrassing Fact? My voice broke infront of the whole assembly of students once.
One Fact That Makes Me Proud? Getting Moderator, and getting over 2k posts and likes.
One Fact No One Would Guess Aboot Me? I am a guy, not a girl.
Most Common Question I Get Asked? Are you fancy? (like, can you see my name or)

Favourite Animal: Pugs
Favourite Plant: Dunno!
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Even though I hate to say this, probably fast food. :/

Favourite Staff Member on MCSG: Ceroria
When am i playing MCSG? Almost always, apart from events, school and occasions outside of the game.
Personal Goals? 10k posts, 1 year as staff, 1,000 wins one day
#1 Most played song on my iPhone: Eh
One of my most favourite quotes: 'We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.'
What is my most favourite indoor and outdoor activities: Long walks to the fridge and AFL.
What chore do i absolutely hate doing? Mowing the lawn. :(
Favourite form of exercise: Running.
Least favourite transport: Running.
What sound do i love? Panting, from running.


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
FANCY you are my bae, i love you, youre the only waiting buddy i remotely have left and you're the bae <3

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