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A little input and Language barriers


Feb 5, 2016
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Let me start with some background.. There was a post that went up and there was some chatter about players wanting the US server to have a rule that only allows players who speak English to play on them. And people have been referring to just '' Mexicans" as the people who hack or are not very good at the game. The post was promptly removed but there is a couple things I want to point out tho. First of all just because someone speaks Spanish does not mean they are from Mexico. Yes a vast majority of them may be but there are plenty of other cultures out there that speak Spanish as well. Also from their prospective as far as playablility (idk if thats even a word :p) goes, the US server may be the best fit for them as CA, EU, and AU are not optimal for them. I don't want seem as bringing you down because yes everyone has the freedom of speech. That doesn't mean that every thing that needs to be said needs to be said if you catch my drift. Maybe I read that post wrong but what I got out of it was either you speak English or you shouldn't be able to play on the US servers, which I don't think needs to happen. Using google translator may even teach you a thing or two about their language. Either way I understand the the frustrations a language barrier can create but I mean we can't punish them or put them down because of the language they speak. Anyways just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.... ;) Anyways I think its important for everyone to be tolerant of everyone, whether its someones race, if they are gay or straight, or the language they speak, everyone deserves the same respect that you would want. Its a community or all and the more tolerant and accepting everyone is the happier everyone will be.

Lastly, please ONLY REPLY IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE TO SAY! I don't want this to turn into any type of hate thread or this group is worse then the others, I just want to see people care and respect one another. Thanks


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
There is no way that the US servers will ever become English only due to the high level of immigrants to Canada and the United States. All these immigrants bring different languages to North America and as such it would be plain ignorant to exclude these groups from playing and conversing on their home location.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
There is no way that the US servers will ever become English only due to the high level of immigrants to Canada and the United States. All these immigrants bring different languages to North America and as such it would be plain ignorant to exclude these groups from playing and conversing on their home location.
Oh I agree 100% with that, and just want to point out that I in no way agree with that even being a thought because I like to believe I am a very tolerant person. I just want to see the whole world come together as one in peace lol.


Aug 11, 2013
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hola. Soy de America y yo hablo espanol. Soy de Tennessee y yo tengo muchos clases de espanol en mi escuela.

I am from Tennessee probabaly as south as it gets (redneck is a common term I am called) and I speak Spanish. I'm sorry for the lack of accents but I am on my phone and to lazy to add them. So yeh you are right all players are allowed anywhere. Their language or their ethnicity has nothing to do with their play style or their right to play a block game server


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm replying because you said only reply if you have something productive to say so bananas

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