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A Derpy Guide (Part 2)


Nov 23, 2012
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Mainstream techniques for a beginner
1. Fishing rod knockback
This can either save lives or support your friends/tributes to kill somebody. You are usually boosted 1-3 blocks depending whether you are jumping mid-air when getting knock backed. However, do remember that it damages your armor as it is damage, but weak damage that does merely nothing unless you have no armor, where it does 1/2 a heart at most. (Tested)
2.Breaking of vines
In Breeze Island, you can break away some vines to cease movement for tributes to seize you. It causes a lot of inconvenience for them, but you may also waste 4 seconds, which doesn't really affect you unless you destroy a lot of vines. Do not use shears because they will provide vines. Vines can be placed down by tributes, and it's inconsequential.
3. Getting Tier 1s ahead of Tier 2s (Unless you have a weapon)
Tier 1s usually give you a weapon, enabling you to not lose your life while opening a Tier 2 (Due to tributes who love punching people off their ''lawn'')
4. Turning off your phone to silent mode.
Your girlfriend or your relatives can't call you, or while afking, you'll be screwed over.
5. Collecting mushrooms. Especially in SG3. Mushrooms can ease your food crisis, coupled with a bowl. It can save your life, but barely anyone bothers to do it.
6. ''Juking''. You can evade enemies with more distance if they lag or have a turtle-like reaction. The length of the space between life or death enlarges. The tribute may give up on you for a facile tribute to kill.

Advanced techniques for veterans
1. Blockhitting. You need a steady mouse, immaculate practice of your hit & block skills and optional, a sensitivity of 140. It usually allows you to do 360 degree jumps to hit people behind you who try to backstab you. Your agility and running speed may be lowered and may make you more susceptible to free hits off you. Do not try this at home with a trackpad. It's foolish. On the other hand, it gives you 1/2 block of more range (Tested or just lag) and halves the damage. This is good for people in a straight tunnel, as they can't really strafe around you. Strafers can kill you, that's why you have a high sensitivity. For teh lulz and hardcore players, change your FOV to QuakePro and your sensitivity to HyperSpeed.
2.Strafing. Circle around the enemy like in COD, where you ''knife'' a player to death. Strike when you can strike him. Circling the enemy makes it difficult for people to hate you, and counters against block hitters. Crippled damage makes up for its several strikes, which gives a profitable blow to the enemy, and a loss for them. And it's a really easy technique, that beginners can't do properly, as they go straight after being hit. Practice makes perfect. (That's what she said)
3.Fishing rod knockback + Blockhitting + Strafing
This allows you to weaken damage, and get more hits off for really advanced players. Fishing rod knock back actually plays a part. You can stop the enemy from sprinting, and then knock him, as you have quicker speed to strafe him and get more hits. You can also knock the tribute to the opposite side, or to a wall and lower their speed due to damage. Or best of all, trap them. Unless you get ''juked''. If you move 2 blocks up and then 2 blocks right, you take more time than walking two blocks NorthEast. Fishing rods are also helpful at chasing people, ironically. Absolutely for people to deal with flaccid tributes (Liek me c:).
4. First bow shot
You deal a couple of hearts, and then strike them. You waste arrows, but definitely know when to run.
5. F5 mode. For Mac users, fn+F5
This enables you to see who's behind you and how close they are, or what they are doing : Eating, chasing or giving up the fight. Sometimes, a futile attempt to cut you off. You can just turn to the opposite direction and you have more distance.

Know yourself! Are you a defensive player, offensive player, or a mixed player (Best)
Try to make yourself a mixed player by knowing your enemy. Know his armor rating, his sword (Don't judge a tribute by the cover of his body) and what he has against you such as secondary weapons. Think before you act. ''Is he a well-known skilled player?'' ''Will I benefit by taking the risk of killing him?'' ''Do I have enough necessities and resources to kill him?'' If the answers are mostly ''Yes'', advance ahead and kill him. Unless you're a #YoloSwagDerpFish2013 guy that charges without hesitation or any thought about the consequences. Running is also an option, I have seen people with half a heart running towards me despite the fact that I still have a lot of health, thinking they could kill me. Switch your particles to All, so you can judge by the number of critical hits and hits that you got off your enemy and how many your enemy has got on you.


1. Making teams. Friendship is Magic! More people may also sponsor you, but in return, you sponsor them. Potions can also save your life. Such as the known but not really used Fire+Poison technique that saved my life that I had posted in a previous thread about my epic 5v1. You also have more manpower to devour the souls of enemies and more chances to survive as they can save your life. Except for betrayal. Which is really gheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and not recommended, people will hate you more. I learnt it a really hard way.
2. The believe of the Narwhal gods. This could save your life as the Narwhal couple (Stated above) may sponsor you from Narwheaven. Remember to worship them day or night or you're going to have a hard time.
3. Don't read ''2.'' because it's pointless and only those who believe in the Narwhal faith will bother to do it.
4. Ignore what I said on ''3'' because it's important
5. This paragraph was made to make 5 optional sections. You're welcome.
6. Creativity. You can make fishing rods and bows with string and wheat for bread. Sadly, people just throw it away and when they have nothing, they get scre*ed over once again. Food can save your life and a bow/fishing rod is essential in your average game unless you're fighting 23 beginners which is highly unlikely. Make your own techniques, and ways on how to flank the enemy. It's like a game of chess, anticipating your enemy, thinking big and eventually waiting for a blunder, before killing them. Such as in someone's video, I'll call him ''X'' and a decked guy called ''Y'' Y is more geared up and obviously going to kill X at DM. However, after there are 2 tributes left, Y starts aimlessly shooting arrows with poor accuracy, and X picks up the arrows, shoots a few times, and X kills Y.
7. Inventory organisation. My inventory goes like this
(Left to right)
Weapon, Bow, Fishing Rod, Flint & Steel, Golden Apples, Food, Food, Boat(Breeze Island escapes with more convenience)/Food, Arrows
If there is nothing, just leave it empty or put food. Clocks can also help you tell the time! Which is kind of useless with the command ''/i''
8. Dumping of loots. Like Bajan, dumping it on a tree is worthwhile, but inconvenient when there is barely any trees. You can also burn it, or put it in a hidden chest. Or you can just keep it and when it is almost time for the restock of every chest, dump it inside a chest. And guard it or someone else benefits before you.
9. Do not act like a Bacca or Bajan and try hard people when they steal your items.
10. Kill the Baccas and Bajans because it is really dumb that people treat them like gods and act like bas**rds. Such as calling you flaccid when you don't chase them or spamming you to type ''Baccas are awesome!'' and you get kicked. And some keep using weird language such as ''hokeyp'', which may cause some miscommunication and possibly betrayal. And the use of Better Sprint Mods. It is a temporary ban immediately.

Record your gameplay and then upload it to Youtube, post the link on forums. Boom. He's screwed.

Or else. Pray to the Narwhal Gods once again.

If you made it to the end without skipping, there isn't any prizes. Just hope you learnt a thing or two and don't hate on me. You may have different views on this, feel free to comment if you like.
Like this thread if you want. Anyway, have a fun time on the Minecraft Survival Games and...... may the odds be ever in your favor!

This paragraph was made so I could expand the size of the post. By a bit. l:

And here's the link for Part 1 : http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/a-derpy-guide-part-1.30252/


Aug 24, 2012
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TL;DR for the lazy people.

While lots of writing and pointless tips are cool and all, Narwhals are better.


Nov 23, 2012
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I believed in the Narwhals Gods and I was enlightened enough to make all this grammar errors. And the tips.


Feb 1, 2013
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The only thing I somewhat disagree on is using shears on vines, chances are your enemy will not get them because they fall away from them or you catch them. It is much faster, especially when there are lots of vines.


Nov 23, 2012
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Let's take it as 50% chance.
It either drops down for the foe or it drops up for you. Like I said, everyone has different views.


Jun 25, 2012
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Ima bus I ram them and then swerve and ram. Like a bus. I hit hard. Mutha trucker.

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