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A Call for Creativity

Do you think MCSG maps lack creativity these days?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
Apr 26, 2015
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You know...it hurts to browse the Finished Maps section and see the shocking results of maps people submit there, it also hurts to see such lack of originality in maps these days. I'm talking maps getting accepted, maps that are already accepted and ones that are submitted. Therefore I am peacefully creating this thread to spark change in the map community, because it's in such a state right now. I by no mean to create this thread to shame people or create flame, DO NOT take it that way, you have yourself to blame if you do.

Maps that have originality.
Eye of Horus
Memory of Earth
Shady Hollow
Vida Cova

What's common among-st these maps? They are all removed, they shouldn't be. Bad for PvP? Why were they added in the first place if you aim for maps that are bad for PvP? These maps had barely any builds that were copied. There concepts, builds and themes were never seen before and demanded by forumers to be added. Why should these maps be removed just because a small popularity play them. They are iconic for they're appearance as well as unique PvP style and layout.

What is a map that lacks originality?
  • A map that copies a similar concept of a existing one.​
  • A map that copies builds that are repeated in map history constantly.​
  • A map that lacks general creativity in builds, concept or even names. e.g. - The Dark Forest...​
The Present.
Currently, maps are getting accepted just because they look good, maps that look good are cool, but not as cool as maps that have a story to tell. It's not all about PvP, but then again you can make a map look amazing and have good game-play as well. Not many people know how to create that, it's possible!
Making a map and getting map-maker has become a commercial and profitable tag, it no longer means anything of art and creation, but just something people can throw around and develop as there reputation as a person rather than a artist of beauty. This needs to stop, ordinary people need to take pride in there opportunities and develop the goal of creating a piece of art that players can look, explore and admire. Not just to get the pink name and prance around. That's all and more that is happening right now.

What people should stop doing.
People who didn't work on the maps that get accepted get it because of a friend, they should NOT have the title of Map-Maker, THEY DIDN'T MAKE A MAP!
Anyone who is interested in building a map should do it properly, with a good approach to create something magical. Not for the rank, not for the publicity, but for the better of MCSG, that's why I create maps. If you were really dedicated you would continue making maps...right? If your not going to you shouldn't have Map-Maker anymore and your map should be removed because it's not benefiting anyone.

What we should do.
  • Craft a creative piece of art, not a map, take your time, make it quality.​
  • Submit not just maps that will have good game-play, but have a unique atmosphere and appearance. You can combine both elements, LEARN HOW TO DO IT!​
  • Stop copying builds that have already been done, discover something else. Art is not a trend, craft your own instead of following.​
  • And most importantly...BE CREATIVE! I've said this a billion times, but it's so important!​
Do you want your map to be compared to Zone 85?
Do you want your map to be compared to SG4?
Do you want your map to be compared to MoonBase 9?
Things can only be done once, you want to be own for your own legacy/brand, not a clone of a past.


Last edited:
Apr 26, 2015
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Too add onto that, this is all my view and opinion, everyone's views of art is different, this is my perception on maps now. If you don't agree with it that's fine, I don't need persuading by anyone else.


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
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Maps that have originality.
Eye of Horus
Memory of Earth
Shady Hollow
Vida Cova
These maps have been removed due to them being underplayed, some of them aren't even bad for PvP. I Liked most of those maps, but there is no reason to keep them if nobody plays them, even if they are original.
I do agree with some statements made here though :)


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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I agree with majority of this post, except for the fact I myself really enjoy photography, I think trends do factor into art a lot, people look to those maps for inspiration because they are so successful, if stunting a little creativity to please others and would make one of my photos successful well recognized I would do it in a heart beat.

However, if people dislike a map and it is unplayed, it really doesn't matter if it is beautiful. The maps that are being accepted, because those are the kinds of maps that majority of the community want.

In the end the only people that can be blamed is the community.


This thread has been approven by a god. (me)


forever alone
Nov 25, 2014
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I'm going to ignore all the spelling and grammatical errors and just praise the fact somebody finally put this out for people to finally put into some sort of consideration.



Apr 20, 2012
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For the short while that Team Apollo existed (compared to other build teams), I helped them build "Vida Cova", when it was around halfway done. I was disappointed when I did not receive VIP when it was introduced onto the network, so much that I even PM'ed Dave for an explicit reason. I realized eventually that the few others that actually did get VIP put so much more effort and dedication to make Vida Cova a reality than I did, and thus, I didn't deserve the rank.

Nowadays, if history were to repeat itself, I would probably have gotten map-maker, even though I didn't help as much as my counterparts. It seems like so many more people have map-maker than when people who made maps got the VIP rank.

Vida Cova was a unique concept, I commend my team for that, but the caliber of the other maps isn't where it is today, and I think we got away with cutting some corners. If we somehow reunited and gave it a much-needed overhaul, I think people would start to like it more.

Pertaining to the maps you listed, I was so disappointed when I heard them go. Each one of them was so unique in comparison to any others, but at the same time, they introduced something not many other maps have; challenging terrain. Suddenly, the tributes aren't the only adversaries you have to worry about. In Vida Cova, players began in a ridge, and they would have to find their way up or miss out on a ton of loot (however, it was also removed for the full-diamond armor shenanigan).


Sep 25, 2013
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My map narrock manor got declined a while back but I'm revamping it starting from tomorrow. I hope it's original enough. My build team is in my signature and there is a link from my build team to my map. Have a look and judge it's uniqueness.

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