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25 More Tips to Save Your Life


Jun 16, 2012
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Due to the popularity to my previous thread a long while back, I've come up with 25 more tips to share!

1. Golden Apples can be used to make opponents think you have low health, when you really don't.
2. Know locations in the map where you can get a advantage in a fight you don't think you can win.
3. Jump when a block is directly above your head to go even faster.
4. If you don't have sticks to craft a sword (it happens...) and have a boat. Crash it and take the sticks.
5. When you see people chasing each other and you know they can individually take you, don't run away. Pursue. You maybe be able to take one out after they fight and are weak.
6. Run by people really quick after they get a kill and hope to get some loot.
7. Swim down to the bottom of the water and sprint, you'll go slightly faster.
8. Chop vines behind you to prevent people from chasing.
9. If your running and your pursuer is gaining, spin around real quick and go in the opposite direction. If they are to slow you'll gain some distance.
10. If you are being chased spin around and hit your opponent into water (or a hole), then continue running. You'll gain distance.
11. If you have a spare iron ingot (only after you have a iron sword), make a flint and steel and light people on fire.
12. Light door ways or tight spaces on fire to prevent people from following you (or trap them).
13. Use F5 to check behind you.
14. Always look around before entering dangerous areas (traps, etc.)
15. Press F3 + H to see exactly how much durability your items have.
16. Press F3 + B to view players hitboxes.
17. Block 1 block way and 2 block high doorways with cake if you have to to trap someone.
18. Never kill yourself. No matter how doomed you are.
19. Don't waste arrows on people miles away.
20. Don't waste time chasing people near the beginning, unless you know they have a diamond/iron ingot you need (or armour).
21. When being chased, run by people with better gear than you. They might ditch you and go for the others.
22. The only scenario where you should punch people in the beginning is if you punch them into a hole or of vines to prevent them from taking your route.
23. Get optifine. It helps.
24. If you have 2 bread and a cooked fish on your hotbar. Eat the cooked fish first, it frees up a hotbar spot faster.
25. If someone asks to team, say yes. They may get better stuff than you and not kill you. If you have better stuff than them, they'll be easier to kill.


Jan 21, 2013
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If my parents hadn't banned my minecraft...again...I would DEFINITELY follow these tips :D They're really smart and would help a lot.


May 4, 2012
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1. Golden Apples can be used to make opponents think you have low health, when you really don't.
It's a waste of a golden apple, and many people don't notice things like this. Maybe try it if you feel like you have plenty of golden apples.

4. If you don't have sticks to craft a sword (it happens...) and have a boat. Crash it and take the sticks.
Only crash it in the water, because on land I've been told they made it so you don't get stuff from it.

18. Never kill yourself. No matter how doomed you are.
PLEASE kill yourself if you know you can't win (less than 4 armour points, less than stone sword weapon, low health no food from the trap)

19. Don't waste arrows on people miles away.
Unless you really trust your archery skills and KNOW you can make the shot, do what he says :)

20. Don't waste time chasing people near the beginning, unless you know they have a diamond/iron ingot you need (or armour).
Only do it if you have a weapon and the above is true, because otherwise you're wasting your time with which you could be getting yourself some diamonds/armour/other useful stuff.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
It's a waste of a golden apple, and many people don't notice things like this. Maybe try it if you feel like you have plenty of golden apples.

Unless you really trust your archery skills and KNOW you can make the shot, do what he says :)
I wouldn't say it is a waste, if you can draw in a weak opponent by deceiving them, go for it.
Don't shoot arrows far away unless it can be a kill shot. Even if you can make the shot the person will just run further until they heal.

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