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2,000 Posts - What an amazing journey

Chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookies?

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Let me set this straight first. I have spent the last hour writing massive stories, explanations, and recalling my whole experience here at MCSG, but no words could possibly ever be able to sum it up. Ever since joining these forums in August 2012, my life has been insane. Fun, yes certainly, depressing at times, I've been angry at the game a lot over this year and a half, and have been inspired.. but I regret none of it because without all of those feelings and inspirations I wouldn't be here right now telling you all of this. MCSG is pretty much all I've done on Minecraft, especially so over the last year, and let me say this, all of the awesome friends I've made, experiences I've had, clans I've led, clans I've been a part of, wins I've gotten, all of that... Means so much to me. (deep right? haha)

So I guess all I can say really is that 22 months, 2 birthdays, 500 wins, over 3,000 games, and 2,000 forum posts later I am sitting here at my computer remembering all of the awesome, devistating, inspiring and challenging moments I've faced at my time here, so let me be the first to say thank you. To all of you. The way this community works and remains so tightly knit even after being 7 million v2 games and 250,000ish members strong truly amazes me..

Know what that means? I'm going to tag a bunch of people that have been friends, inspirations, or both and say a bunch of stuff about the bunch of people I just tagged! Doesn't that sound like a bunch of fun?

1999rocks | One day you will check the forums and see how many times I've tagged you, Jason ;-;. Thanks for actually teaching me how to play this game, cause I'd be probably some annoying COD tryhard if I had ever lost interest in MCSG because of how badly I used to suck. Without you I never would have learned what a chest route was, was strafing was, what jump-critting was, what freaking anything was?!

Nitro_Elite | I know we haven't talked all that much lately due to different friend groups, different MCSG clans, different.. everything... But I'll never forget the day Jason told me about the first time you two played MCSG together, he described most of the games as "I would be sitting at corn, and Corry wouldn't be there... Then he'd come back after 5 cannons go of in rapid succession and say 'Yeah, I just killed 5 people'".

plimpy41 | #GravelTrap xD. The old roxbot days, the Imperial days, all of our days, it's been fun ya

AviVulza/Mwinkl3sHD/Vulza/all your other accounts | Well, you led the first ever clan I was in, with CookieBunns, Android, and some other people, and it was fun while it lasted. Glad we got to be gud frands until you somewhat quit Minecraft

Bunns | We've barely talked since you came back cause we've both been busy with clan affairs and the like, but I'll never forget my warm fuzzeh cuukie c:

Soccerwiz998 | Play more MCSG and then try to talk to me again.. Loljk, you've always been better than me at everything since Toontown in fourth grade haha, but now come and 1v1 me on MCSG, I'll smak u up m8 jkagain

BucketzPVP | Dylan and I will never stop making no-life jokes about you, sorry <3 Otherwise it's amazing how when you got your new laptop you became like instantly better at PvP and I can still rarely beat you hueheuhe. Bqnqnq Bus Squad 4lyfe

KraftysYellowPet | TURTLES TURTLES TURTLES TURTLES noodles TURTLES TURTLES TURTLES noodles TURTLES lol i dont even know

Avesu | i want my account bak!!!11 lol jk, I'm glad we made that trade, both coming out with accounts we liked, even though I never use the actual Vital_Shock account lol

Henry | There, I tagged you xD

@jess | I hope you still check this forum account ;-; but basically, I was just wondering if you liked ducks ;)

mrcrafty1 | baddie l0l

Chiller4 | HOW COULD I EVER 4GET UR "AMAZING" INTERNET. The Imperial days, man. They were the best c:

brirocks123 | #Imperial you nubby tub scrub


Cscoop | I specifically remember taking interest in your videos because we always had like the exact same views on topics, and we still pretty much do lol. It's always fun playing with you and everyone else in Trivium. Stay swaggin' m8 ^.^

Blamph | I think one of the first MCSG YouTubers I ever watched. Also one of the coolest people out there in all of MCSG. c: I just wish you hadn't decided to stop making videos for good, and that one day you'll change your mind aha

Egrodo | I still think the reasons you were forum banned were ridiculously dumb, but nevertheless... Also a very chill guy, and I wish you still used that skin I made on your alt lol.

And just to think... That was like 9 months ago, damn.

duckluv321 | You were probably on one of the first people I ever saw/looked up to on the forums with you kickass guides, art, and everything else :) keep up the awesome work Ducky!

LittleRawr_ | I knew I'd forget someone. :/ sry it was you :c and I still feel kinda responsible for your ban. Keep going on TS so Chris and I can proceed our sessions with Dr. Gril ^.^

Branbob83, soggypickle, Krafty | I can't really leave you, soggy, or, Krafty out seeing as you all led the Rebels clan I aspired to be a part of, and now lead Trivium!

@TheWholeRestOfTrivum | best clan evar, even though I'm still trial, but two months of on and off pending, I guess I can say I've seen a lot of this clan..

That looks like it! Can't say it enough, thanks to all of you!

*if I missed anyone, I am really sorry, I have a terrible habit of forgetting people in things like this :c and I was tired while making this*

Last edited:


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
I see I was forgotten.....;-;

Jk, congrats man!!!! Really big milestone, I can't wait until I reach it!!


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Nice achievement! I got mine last week and I didn't even notice :p
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