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2.000 Post & Story!


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so usually I'm not really into the stories on here, but for my 2.000 post I've decided to write mine down, so here we go!

It all started back in 2012, when I watched some youtubers playing the survival games on their own private server. I tried to find a server which were using the same maps, I couldn't find one and ended up getting in hunger games server which you could break the blocks in a random generated map. I got bored quickly of this after a few days and decided to try to find another server. This time I ended up on the official MCSG website and knew I've found what I've been looking for. I clicked the servers tab and tried to join a server, Full, like all the server. It took me a while to finally get into a game, but after an hour I was finally able to play my first game, which of course resulted in me dieing of hunger somewhere in the no-mans land of SG1.

This was still back when MCSG was still in BETA. I played for a few weeks and decided to sign up for the forums, this was back when Chad was still able to answer people's qeustions etc. About a week before we the BETA ended I finally won my first game, and it sure wasn't my last. After that moment I started gettings wins like crazy and when MCSG went out of BETA I was ranking up the EU leaderboards quick.

I met an awesome Dutch fellow named jangetjeboy and we teamed almost every day, we were a great team, but I was always able to beat him in the deathmatch. We had alot of fun and I met alot of awesome people such as MrMark2202 Sleivert Logstone (Sr. Mod at the time ) TeIIo and alot more ( can't remembers all the names :c ). When I entered the top 50 I started going solo. After half a month I was number 3# ! With an amazing amount of 180 wins. I played the game so much that at this point I felt like I had to quit, I got to the top 3 of the world on MCSG and didn't really have much more interest for the game, so I quited.

I tried to make several comebacks in the next 1,5 years, but everytime I joined back I got bored after a few games and left again. I applied for the clan Legends, and got accepted, I never played a game with them or talked with them. But I'm proud to be able to say that I was worthy to be in the clan just from my previous skills. Now, around december 2013 I created a youtube channel and started uploading alot of video's, including Survival Games. I joined a clan with a few random guys and got back into MCSG ( I should say MCGamer at this time. ).

I applied for moderator but got declined for lack of activity in-game. In february I applied again, and got into the interview stage. I messaged a sr. moderator to get my interview ( I though I would get it right away lol ) but got the waiting rank insteed. After 4 days I received my interview.

It was the worst interviews EVER.

I stuttered because I was nervous, and wasn't really able to speak english well. I was really sick at the time and at to cough alot, and with alot, I mean ALOT. I SOMEHOW still got accepted for moderator and I couldn't be happier. I went into the moderator's chat the next day and met Sean he introduced me to some more people in the upcoming weeks like Frazzli185 AmyGlitters Krypton etc. I enjoyed moderating alot and got helped alot by roguehh which I looked up to alot at that time. I got better at detecting hack, dealing with though situation etc.

Now, I don't really got much to say for the 6 months I've been a moderator. I've been enjoying my time work as a moderator alot, met alot of awesome people.

TL;DR Proud on 4 things :
  • I've been in the top 3 of the world on MCSG.
  • I've been in The Legends clan.
  • I become a moderator.
  • I've been moderator for half a year.

jangetjeboy Logstone TeIIo Sleivert MrMark2202 Elgoldo roguehh Sean AmyGlitters Frazzli185 Krypton SharkyCraft_ KRaidium Dave ChadTheDJ AlpakaWhacker 001nathan100 Col_StaR masond123 Sheldor Celine | Sphaera Sam krackan wooders1996 Avaline laureypop1 Emilind TheOneHarry Ghotiyz Captain | Lqzer badger_pig123 Nephilim

I'm sorry if I forgot anyone love to ya all <3


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Well done Molotov :) You are a great friend and probably the best mod I have seen in my 2 years here :)


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
So its your second post and you wrote your story after that...

jk jk ty for helping the servers and the community so much :3


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Funny. You thought your interview was bad but got accepted, I thought mine went well but I got denied. That's just how things work I suppose.

But anyway, congrats! I remember when you left and came back and I think you're doing a great job at moderator. Keep it up! :D


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so usually I'm not really into the stories on here, but for my 2.000 post I've decided to write mine down, so here we go!

It all started back in 2012, when I watched some youtubers playing the survival games on their own private server. I tried to find a server which were using the same maps, I couldn't find one and ended up getting in hunger games server which you could break the blocks in a random generated map. I got bored quickly of this after a few days and decided to try to find another server. This time I ended up on the official MCSG website and knew I've found what I've been looking for. I clicked the servers tab and tried to join a server, Full, like all the server. It took me a while to finally get into a game, but after an hour I was finally able to play my first game, which of course resulted in me dieing of hunger somewhere in the no-mans land of SG1.

This was still back when MCSG was still in BETA. I played for a few weeks and decided to sign up for the forums, this was back when Chad was still able to answer people's qeustions etc. About a week before we the BETA ended I finally won my first game, and it sure wasn't my last. After that moment I started gettings wins like crazy and when MCSG went out of BETA I was ranking up the EU leaderboards quick.

I met an awesome Dutch fellow named jangetjeboy and we teamed almost every day, we were a great team, but I was always able to beat him in the deathmatch. We had alot of fun and I met alot of awesome people such as MrMark2202 Sleivert Logstone (Sr. Mod at the time ) TeIIo and alot more ( can't remembers all the names :c ). When I entered the top 50 I started going solo. After half a month I was number 3# ! With an amazing amount of 180 wins. I played the game so much that at this point I felt like I had to quit, I got to the top 3 of the world on MCSG and didn't really have much more interest for the game, so I quited.

I tried to make several comebacks in the next 1,5 years, but everytime I joined back I got bored after a few games and left again. I applied for the clan Legends, and got accepted, I never played a game with them or talked with them. But I'm proud to be able to say that I was worthy to be in the clan just from my previous skills. Now, around december 2013 I created a youtube channel and started uploading alot of video's, including Survival Games. I joined a clan with a few random guys and got back into MCSG ( I should say MCGamer at this time. ).

I applied for moderator but got declined for lack of activity in-game. In february I applied again, and got into the interview stage. I messaged a sr. moderator to get my interview ( I though I would get it right away lol ) but got the waiting rank insteed. After 4 days I received my interview.

It was the worst interviews EVER.

I stuttered because I was nervous, and wasn't really able to speak english well. I was really sick at the time and at to cough alot, and with alot, I mean ALOT. I SOMEHOW still got accepted for moderator and I couldn't be happier. I went into the moderator's chat the next day and met Sean he introduced me to some more people in the upcoming weeks like Frazzli185 AmyGlitters Krypton etc. I enjoyed moderating alot and got helped alot by roguehh which I looked up to alot at that time. I got better at detecting hack, dealing with though situation etc.

Now, I don't really got much to say for the 6 months I've been a moderator. I've been enjoying my time work as a moderator alot, met alot of awesome people.

TL;DR Proud on 4 things :
  • I've been in the top 3 of the world on MCSG.
  • I've been in The Legends clan.
  • I become a moderator.
  • I've been moderator for half a year.

jangetjeboy Logstone TeIIo Sleivert MrMark2202 Elgoldo roguehh Sean AmyGlitters Frazzli185 Krypton SharkyCraft_ KRaidium Dave ChadTheDJ AlpakaWhacker 001nathan100 Col_StaR masond123 Sheldor Celine | Sphaera Sam krackan wooders1996 Avaline laureypop1 Emilind TheOneHarry Ghotiyz Captain | Lqzer badger_pig123 Nephilim

I'm sorry if I forgot anyone love to ya all <3


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
I have mad respect for you.

I remember the day I got mod. I passed my interview very early in the morning, and was eager to use my rank. I hung around on TS, desperate to talk to someone, but nervous that I would make a bad first impression. I finally saw you in a channel alone, and worked up the courage to join. I remember introducing myself, being a total nub, and having so many questions that I was dying to ask you about moderating. I finally asked you one simple question, and you realized that I needed a lot of training. Instead of just ignoring me and telling me to wait for my official training, you walked me step-by-step through all the basics of moderating, and that was how I got my start as a staff member. You taught me how to do report abuses, among many other things.

On top of all of that, you are just a really nice and genuine guy, and fun to be around. Keep up the awesome work ;)


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
After all this time you still remembered us <3 Thanks for making my days busy back then

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