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1 year on MCSG!!!!!!!


Dec 31, 2012
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One Year on MCSG!

Hello MCSG community some of you might know me some of you might. On december 4 it will be 1 year since i started playing MCSG, so i am going to give you my MCSG story :D

Around Mid-November of last year, i was planning on building my First ever gaming computer. I knew i wanted to play minecraft but i didn't know what to play on it, so i was minecraft on youtube and i discovered a guy by the name TheBajanCanadian, i was addicted to the battledome series and i watched every Episode. A few days later he made his first hunger games video on a server that looked really cool but i didn't know what it was, But one time when he won and at the end it said vist TooManyservers.com to play more, i went to that website on my laptop and i found it. The thing is i didn't order my PC parts yet, though 2 days later i ordered them on november 31. I didn't have a PC to play on so i continue to watch him. A week later something amazing happen my parents got a Family computer and i could play minecraft a short render distance and 40 fps, i was so happy. My Pc parts got delayed to after christmas on that day. I hopped on MCSG servers and started to play it was really fun, even though i lost like 100 games in 3 days. I got my first win on the first day and i was so happy and felt like i was on top off the world. I stop playing to christmas and took a break from it and started playing battledome on petezahut server. My PC parts came 4 days after christmas and i built my PC and i was playing on new years day. I played MCSG, and a few other games for a week i got about 15 wins out of 200 games on it when i started. Around january 8th i went to log into the servers and i was banned for hacking. I was so mad because i knew i didn't hack at all, i didn't even know how to install hacks, i waited out the ban because i could not go on that week anyway. After i was unbanned i just played for 2-3 weeks alone and tried to win but i was doing great.

In february that was about to all change, i joined a server u29 to be exact and i saw 4 people teaming and they seemed really nice, they had these sick jackets on and called themselves the cookiemonster crew. I played with them the rest of the day and never added them on skype. the next day i saw them again and we played again all day. It was so fun, then later i found out they had a youtube channel and watched their video, then they added me on skype. Then from there on i started winning a lot more and i was getting good. we played for about 2 months we turned the clan into a MCSG clan. In around may i split off from there and i wanted to join a bigger clan.

In mid may, i joined primeval lead by Epic_Frog_Song and Hiqhlights and i never thought i would make it but i did. When i got accept i felt like they knew me for ever they were so nice and i was happy to be in that clan. We played a faction server and that was a lot of fun to play with them. we played MCSG but i wasn't in clan battles or anything like that, i wasn't the best in the clan. I got my friend AFK to join and we had fun, around end of june i left the clan to join the clan of one of the former leaders Epic_Frog_Song

The clan was called #sovereign, i loved the name and it was cool name. At first nobody joined the clan and frog put it on hold to after the clan wars. after clan wars we got alot of new members and it took off. The whole summer i was in the clan and i loved the clan and it was so fun everyday playing with everyone and having a blast. Sovereign is still a clan now and it has a new leader Sal and i still love the clan

I love MCSG it has been so fun and i love these servers and i hope they continue to do what i love.

People i would like to say thanks to

Salamancer101 (Great Friend)
Cat_On_A_Poptart (Best Girl Friend)
Anyone Else i forgot i am sorry

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