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1 Year Anniversary


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score

So, today, it's been exactly 1 year since I joined the servers/forums for the first time. It also happens to be 1 month since my little brother was born. I was supposed to be on my way to New Hampshire, but instead I'm here writing this.

It all started when I got fed up with the server I used to play on. It was a town server, that got very boring after a very short period of time. I wanted some kind of fun, so I searched for minecraft minigames. Little did I know, this isn't just a mini-game, it's a lifestyle.

The first day:
I decided to join the EU servers, as I felt the US servers would be less mature for some reason. With my friend, TumptheDump we played many games on eu22, as it was the first server I could find that had space in it. (Bear in mind, there were only 30 servers at this point). Soon after, I got a few of my other friends to join, and we played for a few hours until I had to go. I was hooked. I couldn't win any games, and I had no chest route whatsoever. There was just something about it, something that made me come back every day.

December 1st-15th:
During this time, I played about 200-300 games, without any luck whatsoever winning. I developed basic chest routes on the most played maps, breeze and sg4, but I just couldn't use the items I got properly. One fateful day, I managed to get fortress pyke voted, and I fell in love. Even though I had no route, and no idea where to go, I loved the map. And, eventually, I was in a game, crouched in a corner when I saw hanfi12 and Elgoldo coming towards me from the castle on sg1. Completely invisible in my cave, they knew exactly where I was. When I found out that elgoldo had an alternate account on the servers to find people, I was furious. I began writing in chat, and to my surprise, a few people agreed with me. These people would be my first friends on mcsg, DerpyDash11 and BlueMoonP . Now, at this point I had maybe 1 win, which I got somehow. Now, at this point, derpy had maybe 20 wins, which I thought was insane, but then I checked blue's records. He had 80 wins, and I was amazed. Blue didn't have skype, or a microphone, and he still doesn't to this day. I don't think I'll ever hear his wonderful dutch voice.

December 16th-28th:
Around this time, I started winning a few games, but still, probably only once in 50-100 games. One day, with my friends, I joined an AU server. I was severly undergeared, and I made it deathmatch against someone in full iron.
It was on sg1, I decided to play on AU one day for no particular reason, and I ran my route (1 tier two) After I ran it, it was just about to refill, so I just waited at the tier two where I got my second iron ingot. I heard the familiar "Crack!" of the thunder, and saw the countdown to DM start. I panicked as the only weapon I had was a wooden sword until I made my iron one. I waited until the countdown got down to 3 seconds, and I started sprinting forward to get a chance at making my sword. "Damn. He's full iron..." I thought when I saw one of my opponents. I ran to the crafting bench, managing not t to get hit while crafting. I heard the final blow on my ill fated foe, as his body and items dropped to the ground. I ran in, swinging wildly. First hit was thankfully a crit, and I managed to get another hit before he turns around and hits me twice in quick succession. "Good! Hacker!" I yelled to my friends in teamspeak as I watched him draw his bow at me through f5. As i got a little further, he locked onto my friends spectating, and shot an arrow straight at them. "Guys, we need to use this to our advantage. Stay right above him when he has his bow out!" I ran around, pondering my options as I ran from him around corn, my health coming to full. I turn around and pull out my bow, getting a shot off onto him and hearing the triumphant "Ding!" as it hits. ran towards him again, swinging insanely and spamming my mouse hitting him twice before he switched back to his sword. I run away, acting injured as he switches to his bow once more, again locking onto my friends. I run back at him, hitting him once more while attempting to strafe his hits. I get behind him and hit once more, not expecting the outcome to be a satisfactory "Crack!" of the thunder as my friends tell me how I was being cheered on.

**EDIT** Didnt expect this to be a g33ke post :p
I wrote a description of it a week later or so. At the end of december, after I got my donor, I tripled my wins in a day, and started playing on the "ChromeCraft" server, which was owned by none other than Theoretical , and fushi . After challenging one of theo's decisions on the server, I was offered mod, where I became good friends with Canziano (RIP the beloved man <3) He was about to reach 200 wins, and I barely had 25. He was amazing compared to me, and I don't know how he put up with my squeaky voice at the time. But he did, and we remained friends up until he stopped coming on skype. I was accepted into chrome, and I was so excited. I met CH21 and got him to join, and it was awesome. Through coldheart, I met Spike11 , who is still my best friend, and we talked almost daily with AmeliaDinposaur , @xXApachiSkyXx , and a few others. And then, I met KRaidium and we started a beautiful friendship that is still lasting today <3 xoxo. ANd through him, I got to meet his cute little brother, Saucycmeister , the cutest little 12 year old on MCSG.

I met a bunch of other people, such as Kimberly , Johan1555 , and more that I forget, and we talked for a while. This is also the time I discovered US clans, even though I still played on EU, I started talking to more US players, but I always went back to EU22. I started talking to KRaidium a lot more, and we helped eachother on our mod apps, even though we both couldn't apply for months.

Not too much happened, I started talking to people on ts MCSG teamspeak, I showed Bowser52000 photos of snow outside my window, and I had fun playing games with the staff team. I couldn't afford donor at the time, and Spike11 bought me what she thought was 1 month, bu it turned out being 3 months (<3).

April 1st. Mods were being hired at 14. I applied, 3 weeks later I was accepted. I was ecstatic, I got on, ready for my interview, but I didn't get it for 5 days. Around then, it wasn't too common to wait more than a week. I was so excited, and I played so much. Not too much happened, I did my job, and generally kept to myself.

Skipping may, as not much happened, I resigned due to some things that happened in the staff. By then, I had gained a ton of wins, and I was at around 150. School ended, and I got a lot more free time. By this time, I had switched to the CA servers, and I was one of the few active mods until I resigned. I started playing more and more with InfinitySx3 , which led to her adding me on skype and to a few skype calls. And, in the PMC contest, Saucy and I played one map with a corn full of tier 2's, there must of been around 32 tier 2's, it was great.

In july, I was offered the position of moderator back, as a part of the MCGamer merge with MCTF2 and zedchase. I took the position, and one day while on my phone using minechat, I met marinanycole on the hub, and when I finally got to ottawa, and had internet, I was added to a skype call with her, @Nicole14_ , fuzypoo , CAmadeusA and a few others who joined and left throughout the call. I also met NaomiRuth16 , Cupcake and MineGal007 . In late July, I joined the titans teamspeak, as they had bought the MCTF2 teamspeak when that finally went down, and I started talking with ScrewYouGumby2 for hours into the night, we'd talk more about whatever more than we played MCSG, and I miss talking about all the music we listened to, or the music gumby was forced to listen to while at work. This is when I started getting more involved with clans, even though I couldn't join them. I became more competitive, and I was managing to beat gumby in fair fights every so often. I'd often stay up until 5-6AM, sneaking upstairs so I didn't wake my father up, who always woke up extremely early for some odd reason.

In august, I came back home, I didn't play all too much, but I did get out and do things IRL, whether that be surfing, or going to the beach in general, August was a fun month. Towards the end of august, gumby became less active, and our chats on teamspeak generally stopped, as there was a much bigger time difference. I also met octoemi TeamZackFTW and ellebelle1616 at this time, there was also grahamc22 but she left us for a few weeks so I didn't really talk to her at all. And then I met kristier12 . Kristie has been a great friend of mine since we met, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

I started school on september 5th, and that night I resigned for the last time from my moderator position. Very soon after, I applied for the Titans, and I was accepted without any trial necessary. This was even more fun than my time as a moderator, I enjoyed the competitive-ness that came with being in a well known, feared clan. I participated in a lot of scrims, and I became exceptionally better than I was before joining. I got 100 wins in just over a month, bringing me up to 400, and I considered myself better than average. This was probably the time I enjoyed the most, and it was certainly very fun. I also became a trial Sr. Mod on the semi-popular PvP server, "MCswish", which I resigned from before passing my trial.

In october, I talked to pKTran a bit, and we recorded. I didn't actually post the video until 3 weeks later, as the next day my computer crashed and I thought I lost the video. I got it back though, and now the computer runs at a great speed. This is also when I became the leader of the CA division of the Titans, which recently I realized I was better suited as a regular member, and I'm now just a US member.

In early November, I met CAROLINENN , and she's awesome and all that. Other than that, not too much happened, until the classic servers came out. On the first day, I tried no-lifing it, but where I was, the mouse was very bad and insensitive, and I could barely PvP. I played 12 games, and out of those 12, I won 1 game. The next day, which was saturday, I nolifed 11 wins in 20 games, which I still think is really impressive. This brought me up to 27th place, very close to the first page. The next day, I got up, and no-lifed 8 more wins before 8PM, and I wanted 1 more win, to get outright 9th and I got it, I had 21 wins, and I was ecstatic. I've dropped down to 12th place now, but I'm still proud.

Other people I'd like to thank:
jspwn (You have hard skin)
ChrisComedies (Keep being fat)
piranga (Cutest voice <3)
@All of the titans

Thanks for making my time here so great. I've been writing this for about an hour, and yeah, it's hard remembering everyone/everything I've done.
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hope you feel happier :C

Nice jorb on ur virtual life, tho. Only one year and you're better than me at everything.


May 12, 2012
Reaction score
For the record, I had 21 wins... my god, your memory. How's blue doing? I haven't been in contact for a while ;) Thanks so much for remembering, and tell your little bro to grow up like you c:


Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
this is so cute bb. but, you did not even mention our relationship. c'mon thought we had something special. #Nicoleander


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
For the record, I had 21 wins... my god, your memory. How's blue doing? I haven't been in contact for a while ;) Thanks so much for remembering, and tell your little bro to grow up like you c:
I don't know what happened to blue, haven't seen him since his little come back :L

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