• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


  1. DragosTryHard

    Tryton ϟ EU

    TRYTON [EU] About us We are a group, We are a group of MCSG decent players So that make this clan be better . We created this clan to have fun . And Go Cw with best clans. We Clan War with best clans cause in this way we reach experience. And experience it's necessarry. Informations Team...
  2. DragosTryHard

    Krystal 3 EU

    If you can see we are Krista"L" . We are a Europa players. And if you can trust we don't have hackers in clan , because we play for fun. But in this clan you can't double clanning without Alternate. We don't put Fake-Wins. Information TS : Private Created by Dragos Created on : 09 / 2016 /...
  3. DragosTryHard

    Viper [EU]

    Clan application status open Application Ping on EU server : Wins/Gamesplayed : Age : Do you have donor on MCSG ? [Yes or No] : PvP strenghts : Favourite Clan War maps ? : One previous clan : Why you want to join in this clan ? : IGN : You agree to change your name in (Viper[YourName])...
  4. DragosTryHard

    Brutes [EU]

    Founded by NuSuntPorcYT Founded on 17.07.2016 Clan application status Opened We search donors for our clan. To be in this clan you have to : 1. Be respectfull with all the other members of the clan. 2. You might be have TeamSpeak3Client. 3. You might be have Skype. 4. A decent microphone...