• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


  1. MangoOrangeJuice


    I already went on TS and asked mods for help and they told me to email the support and it's been like a week and still no response. I tweeted the support Twitter and still nothing. Some mod/admin on the forums please help me! I ordered the one month diamond donator(can show evidence that I...
  2. FusionDeck

    In-game Rank Displays

    We have different ranks on the TeamSpeak, but why not in-game? Staff, donors, VIPs / MapMakers & donors all have tags on the forums to show players what their rank is. Currently, all we have is name colors. What if we added a list of player ranks? Minecraft has the possibility to create...