• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


  1. WishYouWereHere

    Dandi Army [EU]

    Teamspeak IP: Date Founded: 1st July, 2016 Owner Skype: paolo.gamer24 Application Status: OPEN Ign: Skype: Country: Past Clans: Why should we accept you?: Why do you want to join Dandi Army?: × Owner × WalrusKid × Leader × Qxv × Members × CarroArmato pronab Vioda...
  2. InfernusV100

    Supreme | EU

    ✱ Date Founded: 05/05/16 ✱ ✱ Founder: Silver ✱ ✱ TeamSpeak3 IP : ✱ ✱ Contacts : silver.inspire ✱ ✱ Application Status : OPEN ✱ ✱ we play only with default mcsg rules ✱ ✱ with all euclb's maps ✱ ✱ Access to skype and TeamSpeak ✱ ✱ Be respectful with all members in the clan...