• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

clan us

  1. LucusandiGood

    Holly Molly US

    ▬INFO▬ Fundado: 19/07/2016 Dueño: LucusandiGood Clan Battles Ganadas: 0 Clan Battles Perdida: 0 US Clan Leaderboards: - Aplicación: Teamspeak: -Usar TeamSpeak y Skype -Buen microfono -14 años -Experiencia en Clanes. -Ser activo, ser respetuoso, ser leal y dedicado. -Ser respetuoso con...
  2. H

    Holly Molly

  3. WolvesUS

    Wolves US

    ON BREAK Fundado: 10/05/16 Fundador: LucusandiGood Clan Battles Won: 0 Clan Battles Losses: 0 Application Status: Entra a nuestro Ts3: Tener 14 años Tener experiencia en clanes Usar Skype y Team Speak 3 Tener buena Team Work Ser dedicado, leal, activo y maduro Tener un...
  4. Santilaas

    BullShark Us

    BULLSHARK US ▬INFO▬ Founded: 17/04/2016 Actual Owner:SantiLaas Clan Battles Won: Clan Battles Losses: Application Status: OPEN REQUERIMENTS -TeamSpeak & Skype -A Working Microphone -13 Years Old [Excepciones ] -Experience With Clans -Be Active, be respectful, be loyal and dedicated. -Be...
  5. ElSensei

    ThunderBolt - US CLAN

    ─ INFORMACION ─ Fundado: 27/02/2016 Fundadores: Xuesox Clan Battles Ganadas: Clan Battles PP: Clan Battles Perdidas: Clan Battles Jugadas: ─ REQUISITOS ─ - Tener 200 wins - Usar TeamSpeak y Skype - Tener 15 años - Buen microfono - Experiencia PvP - Conocimiento de ChestRoutes ─ APLICACION ─...
  6. H

    Proyecto :)

    MUY PRONTO -Holly Molly
  7. H


  8. Karman

    Razr [US] Application Status: OPEN

    Founders: JustDCG, EndFlame, and ItsFieryYT Thread Creator: EndFlame Teamspeak Server: teamrazr.freets.xyz Applicant Status: OPEN Created: 10/28/15 "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." || Requirements - 1:6 |...