• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


  1. AI3959

    BattleGrounds Item Bug

  2. GrasersBabe

    Repetitive two minute bans

    On US battlegrounds I tend to get a lot of kills because I have good ping. However, the server seems to think I have bad ping and just have macros. I have been banned twice (for two minutes) in the past two days becuase of "detection of macro." I do not have macros, I do not even know how to get...
  3. Karlo4Win

    Battlegrounds Map - "EndHome"

    Name of map: EndHome Lead Builder/Build team name: Karlo4Win, FicaseMalupi Game type: Battlegrounds Map description: This map looks like a end. We have too much time, so we create this map. We create this map in 2 days. Map is good for PvP, and I hope you like this map, and I hope this map...
  4. DzoniJBT

    DinoWorld-Battlegrounds map

    I made battlegrounds map for MCGamer. This map I made it look like the world from the age of dinosaurs with little builds . I made a mapfor 15 days. I have not started to make this to give you but because I was bored . But everyone else to whom I showed said they liked that apply to MapMaker . I...
  5. hira9999

    CALLofDUTY Bo3 - Combine + video in 360°

    Coordinates of spawn points: Centre: -218 114 -183 West: -249 113 -161 South: -225 112 -116 North: -225 133 -254 East: -196 113 -203 Map radius: 100x100 ~ Map Download: http://adf.ly/1SdOHz Other Forum: http://adf.ly/1SdPyU Facebook : http://adf.ly/1SdPgm Twitter : http://adf.ly/1SdPcc Me...
  6. _lets_play_


    Hello, come to 'RemberQnce'',We are a normal group of pvpers and we are looking for applications! How to join? To join add me on Skype 'PVPDeluxe'And then do this application, (Make sure you follow it correctly if you dont you will be rejected) IGN:(Make it 100 percent correct) Age:(9 or up)...
  7. Slayerkey

    "Omni" BattleGrounds PvP Montage

  8. NovaKaine

    BATTLEGROUNDS Resort : A Minecraft Port

    aight, so I have nothing else better to do with my time, so here we go! Name of Map : Resort Builder/s : SinInASuit Description : This is going to be a ported map from the popular game, CS:GO. Features : A resort (duh) Hotel (T Spawn) Chez Roger (CT Spawn) Pool (B Site) Dining area (A...