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Tips and Tricks of Map 2!

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Jun 25, 2012
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Hello everyone!
Personally, I have NEVER won before, but I came close to winning. I have several tips and tricks you guys could use to help you win in specifically, map 2 (my favorite map and my best, not that you don't care :p)
1. Go for the cornucopia.
The cornucopia in map 2 is probably the best corn of the three maps. My recommendation to bet the best stuff is run to the veins and climb up and break vines until you hit gold. (I would put fancy graphics on so you know where you dig. ;) ) Get the heck out of there as fast as you can and run to some recommended places on my list.
2. Tier 1 Chests are not bad.
Out of all the maps, I would say that map 2 has the most chests and the most tier 1 chests (The somewhat crappy chests: Leather armor, raw food, sticks, etc.). Sometimes, tier 1 chests can be good as they can provide some defense if you run into trouble or if you are simply short on food. I know quite a few tier 1 chests, but I recommend a place in map 2 that has FOUR large tier 1 chests. More and more people know about this place every day, so not much of a secret anymore. :( I still won't tell you where, but I recommend it for a good start.
3. Hiding
Because map 2 has so much complexity to it, hiding spots are endless. Use them to your advantage! Pop out and kill a person as they walk by! Hide next to a good chest via refill! Do whatever that would help you hide and lead you on the road to victory!
4. Refills
Refills in map 2 are extremely important if you want to win. Because there are probably close to 1000 chests in map 2, grab all the chests that get refilled as fast as you can! The refills can benefit you by perhaps gaining more power with a fight.
5. Crafting
Like with chests, there are a lot of crafting tables in map 2. They can help you win! My commendation: Do NOT craft gold armor or weapons from the ingots unless it's a chest plate. Gold armor is the second weakest next to leather. If you have apples, make a golden apple! Create golden nuggets by placing an ingot in your 2X2 crafting area and out comes 9 nuggets! Surround them in an apple at a crafting table and voila! Use crafting to create things like: Flint and Steel, Iron Armor or swords, etc.
If you are lucky, you might be able to craft diamond armor, but the best you can get is probably a helmet as that requires five diamond gems.
6. Cornucopia at night
This can be the key to winning. The problem is that sometimes those "guys" can get good weapons or armor and camp out at the corn until refill and before you know it you are being killed by a guy with an iron chest plate and a diamond sword. (Go figure, happens to me a lot :rolleyes: ). If you are lucky, no one might be at the cornucopia during refill and it is all yours! Keep a sharp eye out, though. The element of surprise could poison you. One time I had full iron armor and a diamond sword. When I was organizing my inventory, a guy with a diamond sword and somewhat good armor attacked me and actually killed me. Be aware of your surroundings! One last thing here: Don't be afraid to attack! You might get leather clothing and a wooden sword, but that doesn't mean you can't attack someone who has an iron sword! Surprise them! I would do it when they are getting a chest as it takes them somewhat of 2 seconds to start fighting, and by then you could make them lose at least four or five hearts! You never know what might happen.
7. Go for the win.
Finally, be prepared when you go to death match! You might find yourself fighting 4 people at once, and that can be a challenge. Just keep trying as you might have a heart left and retreat when the other guys have half a heart and could still kill you. Don't be afraid to kill more than one person and finish it off. Don't publish a book if you only have 1 chapter in it! Go for the win! And of course, celebrate when you win! Hopefully I will get those letters that say:
Tribute Trevor_Brown from district 12 has won!
(I'm always from district 12 :D)

Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor!
If you think I should do a Tips and Tricks of Maps 1 and 3, tell me! I'd be happy to do so!


Hello everyone!
Personally, I have NEVER won before, but I came close to winning. I have several tips and tricks you guys could use to help you win in specifically, map 2 (my favorite map and my best, not that you don't care :p)
1. Go for the cornucopia.
The cornucopia in map 2 is probably the best corn of the three maps. My recommendation to bet the best stuff is run to the veins and climb up and break vines until you hit gold. (I would put fancy graphics on so you know where you dig. ;) ) Get the heck out of there as fast as you can and run to some recommended places on my list.

Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor!
If you think I should do a Tips and Tricks of Maps 1 and 3, tell me! I'd be happy to do so!
Sorry to say, but you can waste a TON of priceless time going into the corn, because of the fact that there is leaves, in my recommendation I would honestly, target your chest route, and go for it, don't waste time on the corn, on map 1 and 3 you can, because of the fact that there's no leaves..
Doing this will actually get you an advantage, if you for example skip corn and run for the pink house, you can get better stuff then from 1 chest at corn (single chest in corn, double chest in pink house/FreeFallFun's house)
For all the other tips I would agree, however, the hiding might be a bit too ''nooby'', I would suggest staying at the high ground and because that there's a LOT of vines on Map 2 you can just easily jump from a building on top of your enemy, if you think this was helpfull you can just edit your thread or whatever XD It's just my opinion :D


May 17, 2012
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Because there are probably close to 1000 chests in map 2

theres only 70 something...


May 4, 2012
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Because there are probably close to 1000 chests in map 2

theres only 70 something...
I heard there's about 300. A lot of them are in or on buildings that can be a waste of time going up into, so nobody really knows or cares about them. Theres probably about 70 that aren't a waste of time going to.


May 29, 2012
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Sorry to say, but you can waste a TON of priceless time going into the corn, because of the fact that there is leaves, in my recommendation I would honestly, target your chest route, and go for it, don't waste time on the corn, on map 1 and 3 you can, because of the fact that there's no leaves..
I'm struggling to understand the end of that. You 'can' waste a 'TON' of time, if you go straight to cornucopia. I always wait by the side and wait until 1-2 players run in and kill them whilst they're preoccupied in the chests.

Sure, on map 2 for example there are lots of tier two chests outside of cornucopia, but the thing is that means somebody else will take cornucopia, and if that happens then you lowers your chances of winning.

I'd go for cornucopia, then go for popular tier two chests. Not just for the loot, but to reduce other players' gear.


May 4, 2012
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I'm struggling to understand the end of that. You 'can' waste a 'TON' of time, if you go straight to cornucopia. I always wait by the side and wait until 1-2 players run in and kill them whilst they're preoccupied in the chests.

Sure, on map 2 for example there are lots of tier two chests outside of cornucopia, but the thing is that means somebody else will take cornucopia, and if that happens then you lowers your chances of winning.

I'd go for cornucopia, then go for popular tier two chests. Not just for the loot, but to reduce other players' gear.
I think he is talking about the beginning of the game, not at sunset. Your logic makes much more sense at sunset, but he has a point that you can get a good lead if you sacrifice the chance of some goodies at corn


Jul 22, 2012
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also at corn if u get a sword kill the ones that dont have wepons on ur way cuz later they might get better stuff then u but just the ones on ur way and get away from corn asap


I think he is talking about the beginning of the game, not at sunset. Your logic makes much more sense at sunset, but he has a point that you can get a good lead if you sacrifice the chance of some goodies at corn
That's exactly what I mean, I have a really nice chest run on map 2 and I've both done in by skipping corn and going for it first..
The best result is skipping it because of the fact that I get 3 tier 2 chests in a small amount of time.
But yea, I get what Shaun means and I also agree with him, but that only counts for sunset, ALWAYS go corn when it is sunset.


May 29, 2012
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That's exactly what I mean, I have a really nice chest run on map 2 and I've both done in by skipping corn and going for it first..
The best result is skipping it because of the fact that I get 3 tier 2 chests in a small amount of time.
But yea, I get what Shaun means and I also agree with him, but that only counts for sunset, ALWAYS go corn when it is sunset.
Oh, in that case I completely agree with you. On map 1 I'd probably go for cornucopia, map 2 is fine because there are plenty of tier 2 chests but I usually get one from the side, you never know - you could get a diamond or two, or a stone sword or some iron armour.

Or you can get a clock, a compass and a feather.


Oh, in that case I completely agree with you. On map 1 I'd probably go for cornucopia, map 2 is fine because there are plenty of tier 2 chests but I usually get one from the side, you never know - you could get a diamond or two, or a stone sword or some iron armour.

Or you can get a clock, a compass and a feather.
Yea, on map 1, 3 and Breeze, (haven't played Overgrown yet) I would always go for corn, but on map 2, I always get screwed over by people coming infront of me so I can't get the chest, so from experience I prefer to not go to corn in map 2..

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