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A message to people who hack.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Lately I have seen a increase of hackers in the mcsg servers, this is probably due to the huge expansion that the community has been having and no doubt I am sure 1 or 2 hackers will read this thread, If this post changes the mind of at least 1 hacker I will be happy. Ok lets start.

The reasons people hack.
Ok I guess the majority of people hack because they are not the best at the game, that is quite obvious. Yes I know this game can be very stressful I am not very good at this game and I can understand why you would get frustrated, you have a diamond sword full iron ect and you enter death-match only to be met by a team of 2 and you die, you bang your mouse or what ever and say to yourself "ohhh I am never going to get good at this game, the only way I will get good is if I hack".

Just remember if you think you are never going to improve that is false I know this from first hand experience, I did not win my first game until my 1000th game, I know how stressful it is. Remember practice makes perfect, becoming good at this game will not come easy, sure cheating will help you win more, but the only person you are cheating is yourself. If you really want to be good at this game you will put in the hours. There is plenty of tips and tricks videos that will help you also there is a tips and tricks section on the forums, If you are still not getting good try and make friends with people via Skype or TS. If you make friends with good players, the more you play against them the better you will become.

Why you should not hack.
Ok it is against the rules and if you are caught you will be banned, we all know that.
I am going to take a different approach to this and tell you other reasons why you should not hack.

Lets give an example. A kid is a school all day and he come home and dose all his home work ect. by the time he finishes this he might have 1 hour to play mcsg. The kid logs on, he is not a donor rank on mcsg and it is a very busy time of the day. He keeps spamming the sign trying to get into a game only to be kicked by a donor, he waits 15 minutes and he finally gets into a game. He starts off the game really well, he is really exited as he dose not have much wins and he is stacked on gear that he just looted from the chest route. Soon there is only 2 people left him and the hacker. They both go into death-match and the hacker only has leather armor. The kid thinks this is a guaranteed win, he gets really exited, he approaches for the attack only to be met by the hacker and his force-field the kid dies in a matter of seconds. He is frustrated, he just spent 30 minutes trying his hardest to get a win and the hacker come in a ruins it for him, by now his time on mcsg is up and he has to go to sleep for school in the morning and the hacker just ruined the 1 hour that the kid had.

If you think about it that way it dose not seem to nice now dose it, hacking is very selfish.
You are taking the enjoyment out of people fun. For what so you can get a few false wins on a video game, people spend 30£ or what ever to buy this game and some spend more on good computers, donor ranks ect, only to have there fun ruined by a hacker.

Also not to mention that downloading all these dodgy clients from various websites cannot be good for your computer I would imagine a lot of the files are loaded with viruses that will destroy your computer that cost a lot of money.

A bit of a message to the people who dont hack/ obey the rules.
Remember the staff are very busy and cannot handle all the reports they get, but you has a community can help, by downloading a simple program like FRAPS or bandicam for free you can have it set up every time you play and you can record hackers and report it to staff or on the report abuse section. Yes some peoples computers can lag while recording but remember these recording software can be running in the background and not recording so you will get no lag and with the simple push of a button you can record for a few seconds to catch the hacker. There is no point complaining about hackers or saying "ohhh mods do nothing" unless you help by trying to catch them too. Its not only the staff that can prevent hackers, remember us as a community can help to.

A final message to hackers.
Do not be selfish, do not ruin the experiance for other users and always remember no matter how poor you are at the game you will always improve, There is no need to cheat.

Play fair and respect the rules/community of MCSG.

Thank you, I hope this changed the mind of at least one hacker, if it did then it is a success.


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
This is really great, but I don't think all that many people who have stooped so low that they install hacks will stop just because of this.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone says that people hack because they're bad at the game. You'd be surprised if you've spoke to as many hackers as I have. The majority of them simply hack because they find it entertaining. It's fun to walk up to three people and kill them all at once. However, I may have just been talking to the wrong hackers soooo...


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Everyone says that people hack because they're bad at the game. You'd be surprised if you've spoke to as many hackers as I have. The majority of them simply hack because they find it entertaining. It's fun to walk up to three people and kill them all at once. However, I may have just been talking to the wrong hackers soooo...
That is 100% true yes there is hackers that do this, but those hackers are just arrogant and immature and have no respect for people and there is probably nothing you can do to stop them.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
That is 100% true yes there is hackers that do this, but those hackers are just arrogant and immature and have no respect for people and there is probably nothing you can do to stop them.
Tell me about it


Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
Ily bby. Thanks for saying what needed to be said. Also if you are scared to report someone don't be, it will make your experience a lot better with no hackers.


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
That is 100% true yes there is hackers that do this, but those hackers are just arrogant and immature and have no respect for people and there is probably nothing you can do to stop them.
I don't think you know the meaning of arrogant...


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
What do you mean?
You said people that enjoy hacking are arrogant. Here's the definition of arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

So basically it means cocky, they enjoy hacking, they aren't cocky.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
You said people that enjoy hacking are arrogant. Here's the definition of arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Yes exactly, they think they are better than everyone else.

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