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Explain Your Name?

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Dave | Rev

May 2, 2013
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Revengefull- I like revenge, revenge was taken, add a full :p


Nov 4, 2012
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Damoisawesome- Well my name is Damian, Australians seem to have a thing where they have to put a o on the end of every name so my nickname is Damo and I decided to put what I truly am in my name. And that makes Damoisawesome


Oct 7, 2013
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I used to like flying, so I made my online alias KingFlight. In-game is sirrossico, because I bought it off my friend. As @Damoisawesome said, us Australians have a tendency to a 'o' to the end of everything...o :p


District 13
May 5, 2012
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Uhhh When I was 10...Me and my friends used to always say "oh that is so Ninjaristic!" When I went to make a name I tried NinjaristicNinja. It was taken, I then thought well, Ninja is just such a plain name, I want to do something original, So I thought of Ninga for some reason. Then just did NingaristicNinga because well, yeah idk xD


Jan 14, 2014
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  1. My name is Julian Olsen; I am officially turning 15 years of age! When I play Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) I play under the username of steven7524. I am very satisfied to tell you wonderful members of MCSG that I have never been banned on your servers. I actually and sadly have not really had past administration/Moderator experience unless you count being a mod on my friend’s server a past experience. Now here is where the part of this application will get interesting, I will now tell you how I will punish people for breaking the rules. For example #1: Let’s say… Baccas4eva is constantly spamming in the chat, Baccas4eva is saying #LetBaccasLive let’s just say every 20 seconds, “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” At that point in time I as a moderator would say “ Please Baccas4eva, stop spamming chat that is a violation of the MCSG rules.” Then after I gave him his warning he says “Okay I’ll stop.” Then I would watch him very closely after I have given him his warning, then out of the blue he says “Omg Omg omg omg omg” again spam after I have given him a warning, I would now give him one last warning… a little more forceful one for instance “Baccas4eva I have already given you a warning once, this will be your last if you spam the chat again I will have to kick you.” So then as we go on, it is getting close to the end of the game and then once again Baccas4eva says “Did that really just happen” many times once again!!! So then I would just say “Baccas4eva I have given you two separate warnings about spamming chat and you have still spammed.” “I’m sorry but I told you what must come next.” After that I would sadly have to /kick him from the game, that concludes our first example, we will be doing two more examples. Okay, now we will discuss what to do about a sprint hacker. Example#2: so…. We go into a game and notice that everyone has no lag it is a lag free server and this one man has particles while he is shift clicking, we all know what that means. As a moderator it is my duty to ban people who have hacks/ mods that help other people to win the game. As a mod it is my duty to record people to get evidence before I ban that one person, so I will record for a good minute or minute and a half to two minutes, after that time period I will have to tell him that he is hacking and he should very well know the punishment for it, I will tell him to get rid of the hacks and /tempban that person. Now, a tempban can be very complicated… you have to decide how long this person has to be banned for and you have to make sure you are choosing the RIGHT! Choice, for this particular person it would probably be …. If on a weekend about 3 days, if in the middle of the week or at the very beginning of the week, probably an all week ban at the most, at the shortest a half a week ban. ALSO we must not forget the evidence that we have recorded we can post that on the forms as well as on YouTube to show to administrators and Sr.Mods. I will then have to talk over my actions with the senior mods to make sure he and I both agree that I have made the correct choice and have gotten one more hacker out of the MCSG community therefore making MCSG a better place one hacker at a time. Example 3: Now we will be talking about the worst kind of hacking that anyone could do aimbot... aimbot is an awful hack that can easily be downloaded to anyone, that’s the scary part, who knows who is using aimbot. Most normal hackers who are bad at the game and use aimbot normally use Nodus. Nodus… the vile software that can be downloaded just like a Shaders pack or Texture pack, which is why so many people use it, Nodus is awful, it allows players to use aimbot, water hacks, etc.... which is why I want to be a help in stopping people from using it. Okay now it is time to get to the point of our story! So we are playing this round (You can also be specing.) and we get into a fight and we notice that this isn’t any normal fight you are in a fight with a hacker, you can tell by the way the hackers head derps around when you are running and he is trying to hit you and successfully landing each hit. Now I know that a simple head derp can be caused by a bad connection to a server, but this isn’t any normal lag spike with this man’s connection… he is landing every hit every bow and arrow shot he hits you, so there is only one thing to do, you have to at least warn him you realize what he is doing (Hacking) and you will ban him for it, now aimbot hackers if there isn’t enough evidence (Luckily I have my FRAPS open at almost every minute I play MCSG) they can get only a /tempban if not get off the hook, although if you have enough evidence (preferably recorded evidence) you can get him /banned permanently, this is what we wish to do. Like any hacker/spammer/etc… you find you still have to post the evidence on the forms if not on the forms then at least on YouTube. Therefore you can send the link to other mods/Sr.Mods to show them that you have done the correct thing in getting this person banned. Now I guess we will still do yet another example a BajanCanadian example (Better Sprint.) Example 4: As we get into this example I would like to say that many people don’t use this only BajanCanadian was the idiot who recorded with it on. Okay… let’s have a talk about better sprint shall we? Better sprint is strictly prohibited in the MCSG community for one reason and one reason only; chance better sprint gives people an unfair advantage towards the regular players. Now I actually know quite a lot about better sprint because when started my player vs. player career I started in The Hive, The Hive allows better sprint which I admit to having at one point in time, that point in time is long over and I disapprove of better sprint now. I un-downloaded it quite a long time ago and am happy to say that I like not having it, it always just so confusing to use! Okay let us finally get to our reenactment of finding this man out. Okay we are spectating a game like Moderators should, and we are just scrolling through all the people and we watch them each for about one minute, we teleport to one person who is actually using better sprint, we know because he tripped over a block and immediately started to sprint again! So after the game we warn him that better sprint is not allowed to un-download it and we have to /tempban him for 7 days. I believe I am qualified to be a Minecraft Survival Games Moderator because I want to help the community and get rid of rule breakers and hackers alike. I Julian Olsen, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
  1. My name is Julian Olsen; I am officially turning 15 years of age! When I play Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) I play under the username of steven7524. I am very satisfied to tell you wonderful members of MCSG that I have never been banned on your servers. I actually and sadly have not really had past administration/Moderator experience unless you count being a mod on my friend’s server a past experience. Now here is where the part of this application will get interesting, I will now tell you how I will punish people for breaking the rules. For example #1: Let’s say… Baccas4eva is constantly spamming in the chat, Baccas4eva is saying #LetBaccasLive let’s just say every 20 seconds, “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” At that point in time I as a moderator would say “ Please Baccas4eva, stop spamming chat that is a violation of the MCSG rules.” Then after I gave him his warning he says “Okay I’ll stop.” Then I would watch him very closely after I have given him his warning, then out of the blue he says “Omg Omg omg omg omg” again spam after I have given him a warning, I would now give him one last warning… a little more forceful one for instance “Baccas4eva I have already given you a warning once, this will be your last if you spam the chat again I will have to kick you.” So then as we go on, it is getting close to the end of the game and then once again Baccas4eva says “Did that really just happen” many times once again!!! So then I would just say “Baccas4eva I have given you two separate warnings about spamming chat and you have still spammed.” “I’m sorry but I told you what must come next.” After that I would sadly have to /kick him from the game, that concludes our first example, we will be doing two more examples. Okay, now we will discuss what to do about a sprint hacker. Example#2: so…. We go into a game and notice that everyone has no lag it is a lag free server and this one man has particles while he is shift clicking, we all know what that means. As a moderator it is my duty to ban people who have hacks/ mods that help other people to win the game. As a mod it is my duty to record people to get evidence before I ban that one person, so I will record for a good minute or minute and a half to two minutes, after that time period I will have to tell him that he is hacking and he should very well know the punishment for it, I will tell him to get rid of the hacks and /tempban that person. Now, a tempban can be very complicated… you have to decide how long this person has to be banned for and you have to make sure you are choosing the RIGHT! Choice, for this particular person it would probably be …. If on a weekend about 3 days, if in the middle of the week or at the very beginning of the week, probably an all week ban at the most, at the shortest a half a week ban. ALSO we must not forget the evidence that we have recorded we can post that on the forms as well as on YouTube to show to administrators and Sr.Mods. I will then have to talk over my actions with the senior mods to make sure he and I both agree that I have made the correct choice and have gotten one more hacker out of the MCSG community therefore making MCSG a better place one hacker at a time. Example 3: Now we will be talking about the worst kind of hacking that anyone could do aimbot... aimbot is an awful hack that can easily be downloaded to anyone, that’s the scary part, who knows who is using aimbot. Most normal hackers who are bad at the game and use aimbot normally use Nodus. Nodus… the vile software that can be downloaded just like a Shaders pack or Texture pack, which is why so many people use it, Nodus is awful, it allows players to use aimbot, water hacks, etc.... which is why I want to be a help in stopping people from using it. Okay now it is time to get to the point of our story! So we are playing this round (You can also be specing.) and we get into a fight and we notice that this isn’t any normal fight you are in a fight with a hacker, you can tell by the way the hackers head derps around when you are running and he is trying to hit you and successfully landing each hit. Now I know that a simple head derp can be caused by a bad connection to a server, but this isn’t any normal lag spike with this man’s connection… he is landing every hit every bow and arrow shot he hits you, so there is only one thing to do, you have to at least warn him you realize what he is doing (Hacking) and you will ban him for it, now aimbot hackers if there isn’t enough evidence (Luckily I have my FRAPS open at almost every minute I play MCSG) they can get only a /tempban if not get off the hook, although if you have enough evidence (preferably recorded evidence) you can get him /banned permanently, this is what we wish to do. Like any hacker/spammer/etc… you find you still have to post the evidence on the forms if not on the forms then at least on YouTube. Therefore you can send the link to other mods/Sr.Mods to show them that you have done the correct thing in getting this person banned. Now I guess we will still do yet another example a BajanCanadian example (Better Sprint.) Example 4: As we get into this example I would like to say that many people don’t use this only BajanCanadian was the idiot who recorded with it on. Okay… let’s have a talk about better sprint shall we? Better sprint is strictly prohibited in the MCSG community for one reason and one reason only; chance better sprint gives people an unfair advantage towards the regular players. Now I actually know quite a lot about better sprint because when started my player vs. player career I started in The Hive, The Hive allows better sprint which I admit to having at one point in time, that point in time is long over and I disapprove of better sprint now. I un-downloaded it quite a long time ago and am happy to say that I like not having it, it always just so confusing to use! Okay let us finally get to our reenactment of finding this man out. Okay we are spectating a game like Moderators should, and we are just scrolling through all the people and we watch them each for about one minute, we teleport to one person who is actually using better sprint, we know because he tripped over a block and immediately started to sprint again! So after the game we warn him that better sprint is not allowed to un-download it and we have to /tempban him for 7 days. I believe I am qualified to be a Minecraft Survival Games Moderator because I want to help the community and get rid of rule breakers and hackers alike. I Julian Olsen, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.

DJ Kitty

Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
  1. My name is Julian Olsen; I am officially turning 15 years of age! When I play Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) I play under the username of steven7524. I am very satisfied to tell you wonderful members of MCSG that I have never been banned on your servers. I actually and sadly have not really had past administration/Moderator experience unless you count being a mod on my friend’s server a past experience. Now here is where the part of this application will get interesting, I will now tell you how I will punish people for breaking the rules. For example #1: Let’s say… Baccas4eva is constantly spamming in the chat, Baccas4eva is saying #LetBaccasLive let’s just say every 20 seconds, “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” At that point in time I as a moderator would say “ Please Baccas4eva, stop spamming chat that is a violation of the MCSG rules.” Then after I gave him his warning he says “Okay I’ll stop.” Then I would watch him very closely after I have given him his warning, then out of the blue he says “Omg Omg omg omg omg” again spam after I have given him a warning, I would now give him one last warning… a little more forceful one for instance “Baccas4eva I have already given you a warning once, this will be your last if you spam the chat again I will have to kick you.” So then as we go on, it is getting close to the end of the game and then once again Baccas4eva says “Did that really just happen” many times once again!!! So then I would just say “Baccas4eva I have given you two separate warnings about spamming chat and you have still spammed.” “I’m sorry but I told you what must come next.” After that I would sadly have to /kick him from the game, that concludes our first example, we will be doing two more examples. Okay, now we will discuss what to do about a sprint hacker. Example#2: so…. We go into a game and notice that everyone has no lag it is a lag free server and this one man has particles while he is shift clicking, we all know what that means. As a moderator it is my duty to ban people who have hacks/ mods that help other people to win the game. As a mod it is my duty to record people to get evidence before I ban that one person, so I will record for a good minute or minute and a half to two minutes, after that time period I will have to tell him that he is hacking and he should very well know the punishment for it, I will tell him to get rid of the hacks and /tempban that person. Now, a tempban can be very complicated… you have to decide how long this person has to be banned for and you have to make sure you are choosing the RIGHT! Choice, for this particular person it would probably be …. If on a weekend about 3 days, if in the middle of the week or at the very beginning of the week, probably an all week ban at the most, at the shortest a half a week ban. ALSO we must not forget the evidence that we have recorded we can post that on the forms as well as on YouTube to show to administrators and Sr.Mods. I will then have to talk over my actions with the senior mods to make sure he and I both agree that I have made the correct choice and have gotten one more hacker out of the MCSG community therefore making MCSG a better place one hacker at a time. Example 3: Now we will be talking about the worst kind of hacking that anyone could do aimbot... aimbot is an awful hack that can easily be downloaded to anyone, that’s the scary part, who knows who is using aimbot. Most normal hackers who are bad at the game and use aimbot normally use Nodus. Nodus… the vile software that can be downloaded just like a Shaders pack or Texture pack, which is why so many people use it, Nodus is awful, it allows players to use aimbot, water hacks, etc.... which is why I want to be a help in stopping people from using it. Okay now it is time to get to the point of our story! So we are playing this round (You can also be specing.) and we get into a fight and we notice that this isn’t any normal fight you are in a fight with a hacker, you can tell by the way the hackers head derps around when you are running and he is trying to hit you and successfully landing each hit. Now I know that a simple head derp can be caused by a bad connection to a server, but this isn’t any normal lag spike with this man’s connection… he is landing every hit every bow and arrow shot he hits you, so there is only one thing to do, you have to at least warn him you realize what he is doing (Hacking) and you will ban him for it, now aimbot hackers if there isn’t enough evidence (Luckily I have my FRAPS open at almost every minute I play MCSG) they can get only a /tempban if not get off the hook, although if you have enough evidence (preferably recorded evidence) you can get him /banned permanently, this is what we wish to do. Like any hacker/spammer/etc… you find you still have to post the evidence on the forms if not on the forms then at least on YouTube. Therefore you can send the link to other mods/Sr.Mods to show them that you have done the correct thing in getting this person banned. Now I guess we will still do yet another example a BajanCanadian example (Better Sprint.) Example 4: As we get into this example I would like to say that many people don’t use this only BajanCanadian was the idiot who recorded with it on. Okay… let’s have a talk about better sprint shall we? Better sprint is strictly prohibited in the MCSG community for one reason and one reason only; chance better sprint gives people an unfair advantage towards the regular players. Now I actually know quite a lot about better sprint because when started my player vs. player career I started in The Hive, The Hive allows better sprint which I admit to having at one point in time, that point in time is long over and I disapprove of better sprint now. I un-downloaded it quite a long time ago and am happy to say that I like not having it, it always just so confusing to use! Okay let us finally get to our reenactment of finding this man out. Okay we are spectating a game like Moderators should, and we are just scrolling through all the people and we watch them each for about one minute, we teleport to one person who is actually using better sprint, we know because he tripped over a block and immediately started to sprint again! So after the game we warn him that better sprint is not allowed to un-download it and we have to /tempban him for 7 days. I believe I am qualified to be a Minecraft Survival Games Moderator because I want to help the community and get rid of rule breakers and hackers alike. I Julian Olsen, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
Was this a mod application?!


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
  1. My name is Julian Olsen; I am officially turning 15 years of age! When I play Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG) I play under the username of steven7524. I am very satisfied to tell you wonderful members of MCSG that I have never been banned on your servers. I actually and sadly have not really had past administration/Moderator experience unless you count being a mod on my friend’s server a past experience. Now here is where the part of this application will get interesting, I will now tell you how I will punish people for breaking the rules. For example #1: Let’s say… Baccas4eva is constantly spamming in the chat, Baccas4eva is saying #LetBaccasLive let’s just say every 20 seconds, “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” “#LetBaccasLive” At that point in time I as a moderator would say “ Please Baccas4eva, stop spamming chat that is a violation of the MCSG rules.” Then after I gave him his warning he says “Okay I’ll stop.” Then I would watch him very closely after I have given him his warning, then out of the blue he says “Omg Omg omg omg omg” again spam after I have given him a warning, I would now give him one last warning… a little more forceful one for instance “Baccas4eva I have already given you a warning once, this will be your last if you spam the chat again I will have to kick you.” So then as we go on, it is getting close to the end of the game and then once again Baccas4eva says “Did that really just happen” many times once again!!! So then I would just say “Baccas4eva I have given you two separate warnings about spamming chat and you have still spammed.” “I’m sorry but I told you what must come next.” After that I would sadly have to /kick him from the game, that concludes our first example, we will be doing two more examples. Okay, now we will discuss what to do about a sprint hacker. Example#2: so…. We go into a game and notice that everyone has no lag it is a lag free server and this one man has particles while he is shift clicking, we all know what that means. As a moderator it is my duty to ban people who have hacks/ mods that help other people to win the game. As a mod it is my duty to record people to get evidence before I ban that one person, so I will record for a good minute or minute and a half to two minutes, after that time period I will have to tell him that he is hacking and he should very well know the punishment for it, I will tell him to get rid of the hacks and /tempban that person. Now, a tempban can be very complicated… you have to decide how long this person has to be banned for and you have to make sure you are choosing the RIGHT! Choice, for this particular person it would probably be …. If on a weekend about 3 days, if in the middle of the week or at the very beginning of the week, probably an all week ban at the most, at the shortest a half a week ban. ALSO we must not forget the evidence that we have recorded we can post that on the forms as well as on YouTube to show to administrators and Sr.Mods. I will then have to talk over my actions with the senior mods to make sure he and I both agree that I have made the correct choice and have gotten one more hacker out of the MCSG community therefore making MCSG a better place one hacker at a time. Example 3: Now we will be talking about the worst kind of hacking that anyone could do aimbot... aimbot is an awful hack that can easily be downloaded to anyone, that’s the scary part, who knows who is using aimbot. Most normal hackers who are bad at the game and use aimbot normally use Nodus. Nodus… the vile software that can be downloaded just like a Shaders pack or Texture pack, which is why so many people use it, Nodus is awful, it allows players to use aimbot, water hacks, etc.... which is why I want to be a help in stopping people from using it. Okay now it is time to get to the point of our story! So we are playing this round (You can also be specing.) and we get into a fight and we notice that this isn’t any normal fight you are in a fight with a hacker, you can tell by the way the hackers head derps around when you are running and he is trying to hit you and successfully landing each hit. Now I know that a simple head derp can be caused by a bad connection to a server, but this isn’t any normal lag spike with this man’s connection… he is landing every hit every bow and arrow shot he hits you, so there is only one thing to do, you have to at least warn him you realize what he is doing (Hacking) and you will ban him for it, now aimbot hackers if there isn’t enough evidence (Luckily I have my FRAPS open at almost every minute I play MCSG) they can get only a /tempban if not get off the hook, although if you have enough evidence (preferably recorded evidence) you can get him /banned permanently, this is what we wish to do. Like any hacker/spammer/etc… you find you still have to post the evidence on the forms if not on the forms then at least on YouTube. Therefore you can send the link to other mods/Sr.Mods to show them that you have done the correct thing in getting this person banned. Now I guess we will still do yet another example a BajanCanadian example (Better Sprint.) Example 4: As we get into this example I would like to say that many people don’t use this only BajanCanadian was the idiot who recorded with it on. Okay… let’s have a talk about better sprint shall we? Better sprint is strictly prohibited in the MCSG community for one reason and one reason only; chance better sprint gives people an unfair advantage towards the regular players. Now I actually know quite a lot about better sprint because when started my player vs. player career I started in The Hive, The Hive allows better sprint which I admit to having at one point in time, that point in time is long over and I disapprove of better sprint now. I un-downloaded it quite a long time ago and am happy to say that I like not having it, it always just so confusing to use! Okay let us finally get to our reenactment of finding this man out. Okay we are spectating a game like Moderators should, and we are just scrolling through all the people and we watch them each for about one minute, we teleport to one person who is actually using better sprint, we know because he tripped over a block and immediately started to sprint again! So after the game we warn him that better sprint is not allowed to un-download it and we have to /tempban him for 7 days. I believe I am qualified to be a Minecraft Survival Games Moderator because I want to help the community and get rid of rule breakers and hackers alike. I Julian Olsen, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
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