Let me clear this out.
Grace period: This is used in SG servers after the countdown , so players can have a chance getting items from the chests. They can't fight nor get attacked while they have a grace period.
So ,it is not called grace period.
Sloppy_Sheep , if you spawned and you had invincibility for some seconds , but you could kill the others , it would be just awful. That doesn't make any sense.
It already has Spawn protection for 2-3 seconds. The only thing I would say is make it 5-6 so players with slower internet can play too.
No offence , but camping is not fun for the majority of people. How would you react if you got camped? Would you say "STOP
CAMPING NOOBS!"? That would look ridiculously *excuse me for the word* stupid , as you were just doing it. So yeah..