What is your IGN? graymamba
How many wins do you have? 15...5? 155... let's go w/ that.
What is your Skype? UM... graymamba24... anyone else = blocked
Will you be available in the following weekends? Yes
What is your timezone and region (US, EU, AU, etc.)? PCT (pacific, 3 hours behind EST)
What is your teammate's IGN? booya2000
How many wins does your partner have? 141
What is your teammate's Skype? I'll hand it on skype.
Will your teammate be available in the following weekends? Probably
What is your teammate's timezone and region? Same as me.
We want a chance to be knows as one of the better teams in MCSG, as we deserve. WWe both started with about 30/300 wins, and he had 100 wins at 500 games played. I got it at 656. I think we're pretty good, but if there are not fish rods, booya2000 is dead meat xD
Hope you accept