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Good League of Legends Champions! [POST YOUR THOUGHTS HERE]


Sep 15, 2012
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Truth be told, Morgana is good for new players only because her farming is so easy. Other than that, hitting Dark Binding efficiently and Black Shielding at the right time can be hard. Might as well as play Lux. However, I agree Annie is good for new players at the lower levels, trying to playing her midlane becomes a pain later on when Assassins becomes the norm, despite the fact that her stun + full burst can easily burst down a cocky assassin.

In my opinion, here are the best options for those new to the game:

Midlane (Assassins, APC, Mid Bruisers): Annie, Fizz, Akali, Sion, Heimerdinger, Teemo, Talon
ADC: Caitlyn, Graves, Sivir, Tristana, Twitch, Varus
Tank: Nautilus, Nunu, Shyvana, Taric, Leona, Vi, Sejuani
Wtfbbq Damage Dealers: Riven, Tryndamere, Darius, Jax

Heimerdinger - Turret placement can get hard sometimes and using ult'd rockets can be a pain at times.
Teemo - I recommended Satan because he is easy to play, hate me all you want :D

PS If you recommend Syndra to a new player, you're out of your mind.
Where the fk is malphite he is one of the best tanks atm


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Truth be told, Morgana is good for new players only because her farming is so easy. Other than that, hitting Dark Binding efficiently and Black Shielding at the right time can be hard. Might as well as play Lux. However, I agree Annie is good for new players at the lower levels, trying to playing her midlane becomes a pain later on when Assassins becomes the norm, despite the fact that her stun + full burst can easily burst down a cocky assassin.

In my opinion, here are the best options for those new to the game:

Midlane (Assassins, APC, Mid Bruisers): Annie, Fizz, Akali, Sion, Heimerdinger, Teemo, Talon
ADC: Caitlyn, Graves, Sivir, Tristana, Twitch, Varus
Tank: Nautilus, Nunu, Shyvana, Taric, Leona, Vi, Sejuani
Wtfbbq Damage Dealers: Riven, Tryndamere, Darius, Jax

Heimerdinger - Turret placement can get hard sometimes and using ult'd rockets can be a pain at times.
Teemo - I recommended Satan because he is easy to play, hate me all you want :D

PS If you recommend Syndra to a new player, you're out of your mind.
Looks like you really know what you're talking about >_> Impressive

As a new player, I'm not exactly skilled with Heimerdinger yet. You say turret placement can get hard, and ult'd rockets as well. Any tips? I don't know if you play with him often, or at all, but just an general ideas, such as "Try to make a wall of turrets" or "Place them all in one place to support each other, if you're facing a champion that can only attack one at a time"
I usually go bot with Heimerdinger, as top is generally taken, and mid is too prone to ganking. However, this results in me getting stuck with an ADC such as Jinx. I intend to start going mid now that I've read up some more on Heimy, but as of right now I don't really know how to do it right. He's so squishy, that if he gets caught by a decent gank, he's dead.. :/ any tips?


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Looks like you really know what you're talking about >_> Impressive

As a new player, I'm not exactly skilled with Heimerdinger yet. You say turret placement can get hard, and ult'd rockets as well. Any tips? I don't know if you play with him often, or at all, but just an general ideas, such as "Try to make a wall of turrets" or "Place them all in one place to support each other, if you're facing a champion that can only attack one at a time"
I usually go bot with Heimerdinger, as top is generally taken, and mid is too prone to ganking. However, this results in me getting stuck with an ADC such as Jinx. I intend to start going mid now that I've read up some more on Heimy, but as of right now I don't really know how to do it right. He's so squishy, that if he gets caught by a decent gank, he's dead.. :/ any tips?
Heimerdonger is ideally a mid laner, if you can set all of your towers to support you, you do not really need to worry too much about ganks. If Lee Sin comes for a gank he won't see it coming.


Sep 18, 2013
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I just use Kog Maw, pretty easy to learn and has really high damage.

Professor Nub

Jun 21, 2012
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Uhhhh.... POKEMON!
I completely know all about League of Legends. The best guy is OBVIOUSLY Pikachu.


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Uhhhh.... POKEMON!
I completely know all about League of Legends. The best guy is OBVIOUSLY Pikachu.
...if this seems to be a serious thread, don't reply with useless posts. I know you are trying to have fun, but this seems to be a thread where all advice is taken into consideration.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
I just use Kog Maw, pretty easy to learn and has really high damage.
Too bad he's not very mobile.. I guess his insane range with his W compensates for it. He is like Vayne, except he has an armor shred but without the mobility Vayne has with Tumble.

Another I'd suggest for new players is Vladimir. As far as I've seen while smurfing, new players are bad at: managing mana, sustaining (really aggressive, taking lots of damage from the likes of enemy champions and minions) and skillshots.

Looking at vlad, he has a Q which gives him an insane amount of sustain at max rank, coupled with the healing amplification his E gives, it's like a sustain heaven. Then, we have his W, which is a foolproof escape machine that makes vlad untargetable. Vlad is manaless, this rids of the need to manage mana (although his W and E costs Health). He has insane sustain to sustain through those health lost to pointless lane trades. He has no skillshots, the only thing that isn't straightforward in his kit is his ult, but that's an AoE spell.

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