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Sector Six [U.S.]

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Oh, wow Sixzo made a new clan! I can't wait to see this clan's name on top 5 lists ;)


Jun 12, 2012
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And here it is ;)

Sorry I wasn't able to help more than I did, but it looks like you're doing just fine on your own. Good luck!


Sep 5, 2013
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Ooo gl guys can't wait for a scrim with u!!! Hope this clan goes far and gets high up there in the top 5.


Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: thesilentgod
Age: 14
Wins: 330
Time Zone: Eastern Timezone (EST)

Why I should be accepted: I have many points that could explain why I should be accepted.
Strengths: Sword/FnS/Rod/Bow, I can use all of these items really well.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I don't place my FnS as fast as I would like to do it. Of course, hackers are a weakness to everyone, as you can't stop them, so you just need to record proof to get them banned.
I got good contact with one of the members of the clan as well, I played with him a lot in the past. I am a friendly person and very mature person for my age that helps me to have a good contact and good chemistry with each member of the clan. I really like playing MCSG, so I am active enough on weekends and weekdays. I am a donor, so I can meet all the requirements said. I have a good strategy, I know many chest routes on like almost every maps. I like getting challenges, it improves me at PVP as well. Being in Titans helped me to get a point of view of what clans are. My ratio isn't the best, but it's really decent. I used to be really horrible at the game but now I am pretty good, I win a lot of games. I would have way more wins if I was playing like I am right now but I used to be bad at PVP. I think that this clan can become a really good and big clan.
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District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: UpdatinStatus
Age: 15
Wins: 205 / 639
Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)

I Belive I could be a good member to this clan because I am always up for a challenge. In battle and out. And will always be there for others when needed. I have been Kronic since they pretty much started. And I have been in all the clan battles that are listed on there thread. So I do know about theme and what to do etc. Also I am a good team player! I am always making sure im close to my team/clan never leaving someone unles the are 100% sure they can take that enemy. I know my wins are not great but my ratio is pretty good and I am pretty good at PvP! I have learnd so much in these pass 2weeks and im only getting better. being in a clan like this will only help a tremendous amount more. My main skills are Fising Rod, Flint & Steel, Criticals and the Bow. I am always looking on ways to improve. By using everything I can around me to my advantage. My main focus at the moment is to be able to switch to my hot box items faster! Joining this clan also gives me a great opportunity to meat some great people/players! and see how they play! For example. Huahwi who I have watched on youtube alot. Iv seen him switch to anything in his hot box faster then the speed of light... Maybe he might have a tip to help me on that? Im a very calm guy. once I get to know people I will bring laughs and joy to then clan at the appropriate times but serious also when needed. Im also super active everyday of the week! Minecraft and TS/Skype im on for atleast 2-3 hours aday! I am also a Iorn Sponsor! Anyways this has been my app. Thank you for reading and I hope to join you guys on this epic fight to the top!


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: liveininfamy
Age: 16
Wins: 71
Time Zone: EST

I am aware of the fact that I don't have very many wins. My wins impress no one, and I see no reason to let them impress any one. The reason I have few wins is because I didn't start playing seriously until about four months go. During the first month, I had no clue how to PvP. Over time, especially in the past few weeks, I've been focusing more on other strategies. I also notice that because I'm doing this, my win/loss ratio has gotten a lot better. I have talked with you a lot in the past, and I hope I left a good impression on you. I am a mature person. I never argue or let my temper get the better of me. I am friendly, laid-back, and easy to get along with. I would be willing to work with any of the clan members in anything we do. I am dedicated, and I learn new techniques quickly. Thank you for your time.


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: DPinky
Age: 17
Wins: 915
Time Zone: Central -6 GMT

I am very good friends with everyone in the clan, I plan on working with you guys to not only be the best MCSG clan, but to set the bar to its highest for other clans. I have lots of skill when it comes to PvP. I am very skilled with my bow, flint and steel, sword and landing critical hits. I am also a very knowledgeable player. I know the layout of every map on MCSG, have minimum of one chest route on every map. I am focus to learn from you guys and teach you guys a little. I am open to new ideas, thoughts and opinions and I don’t get offended easily. Being apart of Sector Six would be a privilege, as I see this clan has the qualities required for it to be the best.


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: JCagg_
Age: 13, 14 in 8 days. Before you go ahead and deny me, I really hope you can take this into consideration. I really am more mature than the average 13 year old, and my voice isn't squeaky and annoying.
Wins: 950
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time.

I began with clans back in April of 2013, and since then I have came and gone from many clans, whether they disbanded or I broke apart from them with good reason. These clans have pushed me forward to take a competitive approach to MCSG and to begin my competitive mentality towards anything. I have met so many people, gotten so much better, changed so much, and done so much more since I discovered clans. I finally have decided to challenge myself to join the upper echelon of the clan scene, and that decision has gotten me here. This clan looks very likely to go extremely far into the future from my judgement. I know with Apex and some other of the clans that Six has led and been apart of have not worked out, I see far and beyond the limit for this clan. Respectable applicants have already showed up by what I'm seeing, and I feel as if I deserve to be a part of it. I am not personally friends with anyone in this clan so far, but I am sick of hanging around in MCSG clans, not challenging myself to stride forward, to do better things with my MCSG career. I hope to meet many new faces (voices, really) if I am accepted, and I hope to help stride this clan forward with my membership to compete with the best of the best, and that is exactly what I guarantee will happen in the near future as this clan grows and acquires new members. I already know that you guys will follow a very strict set of guidelines on getting into the clan, and I see myself fit to follow them. Please consider my application, although my age is a bit off. Age is not everything, it is the attitude of a person that decides his or her maturity. Thank you for reading this long explanation and I hope it is taken into further discussion.
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