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Top 5 (Multiple categories)


May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Fishing rod:
1.) BomBashious - If I somehow manage to dodge his ridiculous bow spam, I am still no match for his fishing rod.
2.) xExtract - The few times I've fought him, he's owned me with the fishing rod. Plus his EU connection when fighting me is even more impressive.
3.) Tironas11 - I can never beat him when he has a rod xD
4.) SpellCaster24 - If he hits you with a rod, be prepared to take a bunch of hits.
5.) Branbob83 - Great pvper in general, I just can't seem to dodge his fishing rod the most.
Flint and Steel:
1.) Huahwi - I've seen in his videos and ingame how good he is with flint and steel [trust me, I know ;-;], and he has nearly perfected the ways of it.
2.) Soul - I feel like a total nub when he offensive flint and steels me xD
3.) Kerbals - He has some of the quickest flint and steel placements I've seen.
4.) SixZoSeven - One second I'd be doing great, and then the next I'd be on fire getting wrecked. I don't know how he does it, but I just can't dodge his fire.
5.) CraftyKratonite - I have a feeling like you are really interested in this category for some reason ;) But after watching your f&s montage, I'm convinced that you deserve #5
1.) Linkdude1997 - Best overall bowmaster. Insane accuracy at any range, making it hard to ever get a sword fight with him. And since sword fights are my strength, I usually never beat him.
2.) BomBashious - Best bowspammer. I can't touch this guy without losing at least 5 hearts of damage. Insane prediction skills.
3.) Soul - I remember being bow spammed to death almost every fight with him -_-
4.) Boowho - 1v1s are tough with him when pulls out the bow. Very decent close ranged shots that make it hard to sword fight.
5.) FireworkMaster9 - He practices a ton and has gotten very good since we first started playing together. It seems everytime we fight, he gets better and better. (cuz of me of course, duhh xD)
1.) Snikkz - One of the only people who can constantly kill me over and over again in a sword fight.
2.) Sixorr - I don't know how many times I've died to this guy xD He's sooooo good!
3.) Vox - Voxcile is good with anything in pvp, but he's definitely one of the best sword fighters I've ever fought.
4.) Verticals - I'd say we're about even, but considering he runs like 20-40 fps, that's pretty amazing.
5.) Kranzo - Watching this guy in wert9999's tournament was scary. I remember fighting him a couple times and he's very good swordwise.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Fishing Rod: It's really tough to say - I've been against either so many awesome fishing rod users that it's tough to make one stand out, or not enough to make one stand out.
Flint and steel: ^
Bow: Anyone who bowspams me. My gosh, I hate bowspam.
Sword: I hate to admit it, but BlitzCometITU is fairly good. I don't remember a lot other extraordinary sword-users. He can match me in most fights, usually leaving one of us dead and the other one at very low health.
Running: Half the noobs in MCSG - Seriously, they just run and run and run.
Strafing: Me :3


Fishing Rod : Darkrai
Flint and Steel : GCB, extract, noahsailer.
* I used to be incredibly good with a flint and steel but I do occasionally have my off days, especially if I'm laggy.
Bow : Obo.
Sword : ?


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Fishing rod:
xExtract - The one guy the wrecks me every time pretty much. Unbelievable Fishing Rod accuracy (Fishing Rod aimbot :p) His mixture of offensive and defensive techniques with the Fishing Rod probably make him the best Fishing Rod (ab)user. :p
Jay98 (Jaaayx) - Incredibly defensive with the Fishing Rod. Really useful to have a team-mate. Could be one of the best Fishing Rod users if he became more offensive.
Flint and Steel:
NoahSailer - Probably the best FnSer I can think of. I can dodge most attempts from other players, but not him.. He once managed to FnS me to death.. ;_;
captin_lou - A very unknown player. Can get some really amazing bow shots.
Emilind - What can I say, he's in my clan. His bow it deadly xD But if he doesn't have a bow then he's dead xD
Hmmm this is a hard one. I haven't really met anyone that can beat me with just using a sword. So I wouldn't know who to put... Possibly EditingXBL <3
naww <3


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Fishing Rod: It's really tough to say - I've been against either so many awesome fishing rod users that it's tough to make one stand out, or not enough to make one stand out.
Flint and steel: ^
Bow: Anyone who bowspams me. My gosh, I hate bowspam.
Sword: I hate to admit it, but BlitzCometITU is fairly good. I don't remember a lot other extraordinary sword-users. He can match me in most fights, usually leaving one of us dead and the other one at very low health.
Running: Half the noobs in MCSG - Seriously, they just run and run and run.
Strafing: Me :3


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Fishing rod:
xExtract - The one guy the wrecks me every time pretty much. Unbelievable Fishing Rod accuracy (Fishing Rod aimbot :p) His mixture of offensive and defensive techniques with the Fishing Rod probably make him the best Fishing Rod (ab)user. :p
Jay98 (Jaaayx) - Incredibly defensive with the Fishing Rod. Really useful to have a team-mate. Could be one of the best Fishing Rod users if he became more offensive.
Flint and Steel:
NoahSailer - Probably the best FnSer I can think of. I can dodge most attempts from other players, but not him.. He once managed to FnS me to death.. ;_;
captin_lou - A very unknown player. Can get some really amazing bow shots.
Emilind - What can I say, he's in my clan. His bow it deadly xD But if he doesn't have a bow then he's dead xD
Hmmm this is a hard one. I haven't really met anyone that can beat me with just using a sword. So I wouldn't know who to put... Possibly EditingXBL <3



May 3, 2013
Reaction score
No offence, but using macros for flint and steel doesn't make you good at it... It just makes you good at using macros. NoahSailer uses macros. Get where I am going with this?
Ok this is it, i warned you now i'm done. Once again this is offensive and i told you to stop, you went too far. BTW, i've never used macros in my entire life.

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