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The Rebels (US Clan)

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District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Bran! Edit the front thread. It still says apps are closed :p
Also, Atwatt are you still applying for the Rebels? Or are you canceling your app?


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Okay Rebels, I'll just start off by saying that these past 7 months have been some of the greatest of my MCSG life. I have had so much fun with you guys, ever since Tristan 'introduced' me into the clan. He got me an interview and I was accepted. Since then I have a blast playing with you all, and still hope to in the future, but back to the point of this post.

I am resigning from Rebels. The past month or two, I feel like I have made absolutely no contribution to the clan at all. I have a more strict playing schedule with school here and it can just be hard to participate in Scrims/Clan Battles. I think my time has come, and I need to make a spot for someone who would be a more active player, and would actually do stuff >.> (All admit I was pretty lazy xD)

But I'm not leaving you guys forever, I'll still come on TS and hang out with you guys alot. I still want to be part of the Rebels family, just not part of the official clan anymore. Thank you guys for everything <3

-Torchy (Nick)

P.S - Make me VIP
P.S.S - Make me a (Ex-Rebels member rank on TS <3)
I know this is a bit late but bai Torch ;-;


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Okay Rebels, I'll just start off by saying that these past 7 months have been some of the greatest of my MCSG life. I have had so much fun with you guys, ever since Tristan 'introduced' me into the clan. He got me an interview and I was accepted. Since then I have a blast playing with you all, and still hope to in the future, but back to the point of this post.

I am resigning from Rebels. The past month or two, I feel like I have made absolutely no contribution to the clan at all. I have a more strict playing schedule with school here and it can just be hard to participate in Scrims/Clan Battles. I think my time has come, and I need to make a spot for someone who would be a more active player, and would actually do stuff >.> (All admit I was pretty lazy xD)

But I'm not leaving you guys forever, I'll still come on TS and hang out with you guys alot. I still want to be part of the Rebels family, just not part of the official clan anymore. Thank you guys for everything <3

-Torchy (Nick)

P.S - Make me VIP
P.S.S - Make me a (Ex-Rebels member rank on TS <3)


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Okay Rebels, I'll just start off by saying that these past 7 months have been some of the greatest of my MCSG life. I have had so much fun with you guys, ever since Tristan 'introduced' me into the clan. He got me an interview and I was accepted. Since then I have a blast playing with you all, and still hope to in the future, but back to the point of this post.

I am resigning from Rebels. The past month or two, I feel like I have made absolutely no contribution to the clan at all. I have a more strict playing schedule with school here and it can just be hard to participate in Scrims/Clan Battles. I think my time has come, and I need to make a spot for someone who would be a more active player, and would actually do stuff >.> (All admit I was pretty lazy xD)

But I'm not leaving you guys forever, I'll still come on TS and hang out with you guys alot. I still want to be part of the Rebels family, just not part of the official clan anymore. Thank you guys for everything <3

-Torchy (Nick)

P.S - Make me VIP
P.S.S - Make me a (Ex-Rebels member rank on TS <3)
Bye Torchy. :c

I'm forever grateful for you buying me iron donor for a month. <3


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Prosaur
Age: 16
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 347
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Prosaur
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Too much to count.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Sword PvP, FnS, Beating big teams
PvP Weaknesses: BranBoob
Past Clans (If any) Titans, Forgotten
You cool?: If peeing your pants is cool then call me Miles Davis
Best puppy picture: Dinos are better :)


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Prosaur
Age: 16
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 347
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Prosaur
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Too much to count.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Sword PvP, FnS, Beating big teams
PvP Weaknesses: BranBoob
Past Clans (If any) Titans, Forgotten
You cool?: If peeing your pants is cool then call me Miles Davis
Best puppy picture: Dinos are better :)
I lik dis gui :D


Roll Tide
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
apply with a pug picture one more time, i dare all of you
Minecraft ID: i em undedfapper05
Age: turtree
Donor: nevr.
Wins: 123456789
Got Skype/TS: ya
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it)
Got a mic: ya
Timezone: washngtun
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: alwaize
PvP Strengths: im a fox
PvP Weaknesses: nuthng.

Past Clans (If any) nu
You cool?: idk
Best puppy picture:

Because I can. <3


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Prosaur
Minecraft ID: ThatOneFox/Andresautrique/Jingle_
Alright guys, I know this is sudden that I am applying, but I honestly just missed the experience you guys gave me, and I totally understand if you choose to not accept me because for the past couple of weeks I have kind of been trying to find if I could get the same experience with out being as active, well that just doesn't happen now does it. So I will be more active now, and I will try to benefit you guys by having me in the clan as much as possible. But if I am not the right guy anymore, I understand, its just that I missed the experience, and I would really like to have it back if that is possible for me. I will be active on TS, and try to talk with Everyone not just a few people. I really feel like I did not get the chance to talk with some of you guys last time, and I really want to play any server with everyone, because I do not want to talk just to a small group, but to everyone. I take the vow to be as active as possible, and I really hope you guys do give me a chance. I promise I will not let you guys down.

Minecraft ID:Arched10, or Swaglights
Minecraft ID: Sixorr
Minecraft ID: i em undedfapper05
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