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Phoenix - AU Clan

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Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
I know this is going to be a double post but whatever.
Phoenix has been my second family for a long time. With Darkrai as the father, Ninga being a abusive mother ;) , Kytria our the ancestor of Phoenix who is always looking over us, Damo our uncle Habib, Marrota, Kooksey and Badbob as the older brothers and Lebron as the younger cheeky brother. During my time with you guys i have gotten to know you and we have become very close however i think it's my time to leave. I feel like i don't really fit in with you guys and its as if you guys neglect me *cough Ninga Aussieentice Damo* and I feel i am under skilled to be in this clan. Many people have said i'm "Not good enough" to be in the clan and for the past few days this has been really bothering me. This is me giving into peer pressure but i'm leaving Phoenix. We will all remember our funny moments such as the wertea hole, the pvp fight in the 5 by 1 hole on Fortress Pyke and most importantly the first time i talked to you guys as a group, as a family. Comparing me to be in the Harry Potter house, Slytherin and surprised that i wasn't a squeaker90. I have however been really close to you guys and i really do regard you all as my family and family support the decisions of of their members. So please don't go against me when i say i am leaving this clan. Although i am leaving this clan you guys will not be leaving in a special place in my heart.
As i conclude this i will say i may rejoin later when i feel like i should. And as my final moments of a Phoenix member brings a tear to my eye i will end with a quote “I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.”
― Beryl Markham
Very well said.

I've seen several people call Phoenix a 'family' lately. That's really...nice.
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