IGN: JohnPaulGeorgeRingo
Your Nickname: SingaporeansSay"Lah"Alot
Self Rating at MCSG out of 10: idk, 11
AND AXE skills out of 10: 7
Sniping Skills out of 10: Probobly as much as dunnet except multipied by the 4th power
Flint & Steel skills out of 10: Da f*ck?? In da real hunger games no one would use that, so I don't use it
Fish Rod skills out of 10: ^ Same
Your chest route ratings out of 10 (how good your chest routes are) : Ummmmm, good on all, except Fallen Colossi FOR OBVIOUS REASONS
Your fighting tactics out of 10 (180 Shoot etc) : Lag
Wins on MCSG (hive too, because it is same difficulty as MCSG) : 101
PVP Strength: Owning little children with my d*ck
PVP Weakness: Singaporeans and Oshawotts
What servers/continent do you play on (MCSG): (AS/AU/US/EU/CA) All
except AS, that sucks nowadays
Skype name: ThomasDun.... I mean julioaquinosp
Do you like BlueBerryPies (be honest) : What if I have allergies??
Do you like Trains (be honest) : ^ Same
Do you like BlueBerryPieTrains (be honest) : ^ Same (x2)