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The Forgotten [EU]

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Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:Yurleth
Got A Mic:Yes
Got Skype/TS:Yes
Skype Name (PM Me If You Don't Want To Post It) yurlethmc
PvP Strengths: Bows F&S Fishing Rods
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: Ive teamed wit hEVERYONE!
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: Cause im sexy :3


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: BlobbyPiixel
Age: 15
Wins: 8 (Yes I do know this is not alot, but I PROMISE you that if I can fight one of your leaders I can prove that I am good enough.
Got A Mic: Yes, I do
Got Skype/TS: I have both
Skype Name (PM Me If You Don't Want To Post It) I PM'ed it:) (DDos sucks:p)
PvP Strengths: I am really good with the flint and steel actually, I used it alot on a PvP server that is not very popular.
Also I am kinda good with the sword.
PvP Weaknesses: Using the bow and possibly the fishing rod, because the server I used to play on didnt have it
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: I have teamed with some of the members, And I have been in some servers where you have had a clan war and I watched you play, and you are awesome
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: I can prove to you guys that I am good enough and that I can benefit this team:)
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Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: The_Broken_Door
Age: 13
Wins: 812
Got A Mic: Yes
Got Skype/TS: Yes
Skype Name (PM Me If You Don't Want To Post It) the_broken_door2
PvP Strengths: Sword and fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses: Bows in water
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: a lot with Yurleth
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: Because I am really good at PvP and can be a big impact to your clan


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:
303 at the time being (I know it's technically not enough, but I have 223 wins on the hive, and around 1,6k points on MCSwish aswell.)
Got A Mic:
Logitech G35 m8.
Got Skype/TS:
Yes, both.
Skype Name:
zelika_lasse, I don't mind telling it here ;)
PvP Strengths:
I guess if I was to look at what makes me win games, and survive the teams with multiple people in an SG game, it must be 1: My experience with the fishing rod combos. 2: I am pretty decent at hit 'n' running, and if I have a rod, it helps a lot aswell. 3: I've gotten better with the "FnS", I am still not "amazing" with it though. 4: I am pretty good at strafing, and getting critical hits! 5: My will to survive a game and go alternative routes, and still winning is something that has amazed me before, and still does. Sometimes it's even easier for me to win games where I am pretty much screwed in the beginning, but fight my way to the victory, than it is when I get stacked in the beginning of the match.
PvP Weaknesses:
I guess if I was to look at what makes me die, or what I am bad at defending me against in a normal SG game, it must be 1: The usual 3 and up teams who are pretty decent at what they're doing. 2: Water fights against one good person, or several people without me having rod/bow. 3: I am decent with the bow, but I can honestly can't put "bowing" as a Strenght. 4: I guess I can put up my ping as a disadvantage, I do live in Norway, but I still get around 150-250 ping depending how many people are on mcsg.
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members:
I haven't really teamed with anyone in the clan before except trucing with Mahxiboiii<3, but I have played a lot against people in the clan I assume ;) (On both MCSG and MCSwish)
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten:
I know my chances of joining are pretty slim, but I'm very loyal to the clans I'm in, and I've gotten a whole lot better in pvp after I joined Revolutionize about a month ago. And my w/l ratio isn't all that bad, because after all, I first started playing SG on MCSG, when I was a noob tbh. And ofc, I hope to meet some awesome people, and to have a good time with you guys. ;)

Hope you read this application, and I will ofcourse respect your decision. :)

- ZeLiiKaHD/Lasse
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