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Top 5 Best Players!?

Should I do more of these "Top 5" Opinion Posts?

  • Yeah..sure, whatever.

    Votes: 28 46.7%
  • Nouh we hate your posts ;(

    Votes: 32 53.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 15, 2013
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Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
If Egrodo is #1, then I must be a damn PVP legend.
This is bs. (no offense lol)
I mean I hope you're sarcastic here but if not:
- you just have a single fight here. one fight says nothing (he mightve lagged, came back from school and his hands were as cold as ice, his dog was jumping in his face while he was fighting (<-- lol), etc)
- 1v1ing is just a little part of a players strentgh. how you do against teams or how you use he terraing is also important but u cant see that in this video.
- youre bowspamming and dont even hit a single shot though your connection is beast ^^
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District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
This is bs. (no offense lol)
I mean I hope you're sarcastic here but if not:
- you just have a signle fight here. one fight says nothing (he mightve lagged, came back from school and his hands were as cold as ice, his dog was jumping in his face while he was fighting (<-- lol), etc)
- 1v1ing is just a little part of a players strentgh. how you do against teams or how you use he terraing is also important but u cant see that in this video.
- youre bowspamming and dont even hit a single shot though your connection is beast ^^
Plus he was typing during the fight( even though he types fast it's quite a big disadvantage)


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
This is bs. (no offense lol)
I mean I hope you're sarcastic here but if not:
- you just have a signle fight here. one fight says nothing (he mightve lagged, came back from school and his hands were as cold as ice, his dog was jumping in his face while he was fighting (<-- lol), etc)
- 1v1ing is just a little part of a players strentgh. how you do against teams or how you use he terraing is also important but u cant see that in this video.
- youre bowspamming and dont even hit a single shot though your connection is beast ^^
My thoughts exactly m8


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
1st. xExtract Amazing Sword. Amazing Bow. Amazing Aiming. But that Rod o_O incredibly good...
2nd Domilz (Kallbergz) Awesome Sword+Rod fighter. He was quite a newcomer for as he owned me on swish some month ago. The only chance of winning was if we started the bowfight. And his aim...
3rd Charlesyummyegg Also amazing with the fishing rod... I guess he and xExtract mastered the fishing rod already.
4th NoahSailer Probably also deserves to be 3rd or 2nd but still: Good alrounder but he has something which is crazy... He is able to destroy your strategy within 5 mins.
5th iProGames Its really hard to judge about him. Im sure hes not legit sometimes but if hes legit he is still really good and hard to beat

This is just my opinion but still you can tell me if something is wrong at this order or sth like that :)
Btw I didnt mention persons who quit Elgoldo :(
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May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hmm... my top 5?

  1. Egrodo
  • He's a panda that takes chests in less than a second. 'Nuff said.
2. Lovelights
  • You've got to give somebody with a 5:7 ratio some credit. Reason not first? No reason at all. He has every right to be first. But Egrodo's been that owning panda since back in the day.
  • Dude, when you get a 42 win-streak, you should basically be in every Top 5 possible.
3. NoahSailer
  • Currently World Ranked #1. Though his wins may say so, he is still not the best in my opinion. I would give his PvP skills a 9/10 where as Egrodo/Lovelights are 100000000/10. My opinion 'enywayz.
4. NewYorkkidd9
  • Dere is just something about dat kid from new york ._.
5. Last but not least, sixzoseven.
  • Ahh, the good ol' days where he was ranked #1. Where he would break keyboards and mouses of ragers. Where he was the o'mighty one feared by all. Too bad he is no more. But in my opinion, he will always have a Top 5.
Other Notables
Gravey4rd - The reason was not that he quit that I didn't choose him. He just seems like a normal above-average fighter. Still loved by all hearts. R.I.P
JustAHotDog - You know there is too much challenge when the HotDog doesn't make it to the Top 5.
Edog786 - He be okee-dokee with his 2:7 ratio
DevilicCrafter - Also a great challenger but not as skilled as the others for my opinion.
darkrai202 - Never've seen him fight ._.
G33ke - A legend as I would call it.

Remember, these are only my opinions, have your own for all I care. But these are what I think are the Top 5 in the world currently.
Come on dude give E.U some credit these guys are all U.S, what about Elgoldo? xExtract? gcb99? Those guys are better than some of the guys on here, also never talk about Gravey4rd like that -_-


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
1. @xSwagGiraffe - Fishing rod combos.

2. @RathaYatra - Sword Combo's for days, pushes me into corners and destroys me.

3. @BomBashious - One of the few US players that can hit a majority of his bow shots.

4. @Kranzo - He exceeds with all different techniques, but when he uses them together he is next to impossible to beat.

5. @Antster360 - I'm aware he doesn't get no-cheat as an admin, but he does destroy on any server I've played him on.

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