Hi, all! Just a quick update on what's going on with the thread--
I am going to start a schedule for myself. I will aim to complete
one avatar every day, and
two on the weekends, however for the next week, or so, that schedule might be a bit choppy due to the work I'm currently creating for the MCGamer awards
This means I should be able to make a lot of art for you guys, which is what I really want to do. I'm going to do my best burn through the queue, so I can maximize how much art I produce.
Lastly, for now, I'm going to re-open having custom backgrounds added into your avatar for free, so if you are requesting now, the backgrounds are free, and if you've already requested, simply edit your request post with this question added on:
Would you like a background? If so, specify what it should look like (Jungle, SG 2, etc.) "
Full body avatars are also now
Please understand adding a background/full body adds sometimes upwards of an hour to the completion time, so patience will be a key
Thanks, everyone!