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Why the Community likes V2 Chests more.

What do you value more in a video-game?

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Jun 22, 2013
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The community has agreed that with the v1 update more time of the game is spent gathering items. If more time is spent gathering items, how do you have time to PvP more?
In the servers with the update on them I spend more time fighting because it is more advantagous to fight people rather than searching more chests. In V2 it would be worthwhile searching 4-5 tier 2 chests because then I would have full iron and a diamond sword. In V1 after hitting that many chests I would not be near that level of equipment so it is better to hit 2 - 3 tier2s and then kill a couple of people who have also hit that many chests.

Another point is, there are all new chest-routes which people have to discover in the new update. Chest-routes cause PvP. They bring people together. How are you getting into more fights when the community hasn't determined these routes yet, the update being so new?
This point doesn't make sense, in most maps there are a good number of tier 2 chest which have not changed so people still run very similar routes therefore its is still easy to find people.

Huh, I'm confused. In v2, there was an excessive amount of food. In v1, there isn't. So, I'm assuming the reason you're low on food is due to the v1 chests, right? But in that case, isn't everyone? Sure, some might be luckier then others, but that's just it luck. You can't base an argument off of luck.
Just because people are low on food doesn't mean that they don't have any. If I kill 2-3 people then I will roughly 10 pieces of food which more than enough.

Okay, okay... that would be a good topic sentence... You just need evidence.... I mean, sure you can say it, but where's your proof? PvP is never the same. It is very rare to have two battles that are the same, I'm sure we can all agree. PvP makes for interesting gameplay, because again, it's never the same. If v2 is just PvP, wouldn't that make it more fun? Or interesting? Or, complex?

Also, what aspects does v1 have that v2 doesn't? Sure they have different doses of aspects -- but it's the same game.
PvP is just one aspect of the game and really as pretty much everyone is aware with V2 chests means that PvP is the main part of the games ie the rest of the survival and other aspects are very much diminished. In V1 PvP is better because every fight is very much different where you have to take on people with different equipment which can give them different advantages for example one person may have a flint and steel where as the other may have a fishing rod. In V2 you are almost certain to have both of these items. Therefore the gameplay is more complex in V1 as there is more depth to PvP and the other aspects of the game such as survival.

With v2 chests you also have to explore, and PvP... the only difference is the managing of the food. Yes, there is less food in v1, and even I agree v2 has an excessive amount.
This is not true there is practacally no need to explore in V2, there is very little gained in doing so by the time you have hit your chest route you always have all of the equipment you need.

One question I would like to ask. The new chest update has been introduced to US1-10, which are pretty much always full with donors. You not being a donor, how have you had the chance to play enough games to make this agruement? V2 has been around longer then the original v1, so my points are easier to make.
I have not had any trouble getting into games and I have never been kicked to allow a donor to play. I have played 30-50 games on the servers with update on them so I think I know what I am talking about.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
More people like v2 chests because nowadays, with like, 500,000(?) players, the majority of them are not good at pvp, so they like having stuff handed to them. They prefer the easier (v2) chests because its easier to win and feel good about yourself. This is why you can find a good pvper in every game, because there are so many noobs getting better because the game is so much easier now.

Hope that made sense, I feel kinda high right now.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
More people like v2 chests because nowadays, with like, 500,000(?) players, the majority of them are not good at pvp, so they like having stuff handed to them. They prefer the easier (v2) chests because its easier to win and feel good about yourself. This is why you can find a good pvper in every game, because there are so many noobs getting better because the game is so much easier now.

Hope that made sense, I feel kinda high right now.
True, I agree. Yet, I never said I want V2 chests, I want v2 chests but edited down to make it a bit more balanced.


Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
But with all the people in our in-game community that don't like this way, we should compromise and have a spot in between. I believe that the in-game community hasn't fully experienced the old chests, and honestly I bet a large portion of the voters hadn't even tried the chest update servers. I think we need to get a legitimate voice from the in-game community, be sure all the voters have tried it, and also give the update time to settle in so they can generate a full opinion.

Only then will I honestly believe them if they vote the way they have been now. But because nothing like that will end up happening, I think there is a place in between where we can meet up and decide on the best chest loot possible.
Since many people haven't tried the new chests why don't we just expand it to US 20. Its mostly only donors that get to play now anyways.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
I think of it like this:

If a game's fun, it's fun. Simple as that, if people enjoy it, and are thoroughly enjoying the chests as it is, there's no need to replace it with something different.

I must be weird, I played V1 and hated those damn chests. Do you know how crappy it was to go into a Tier 1 chest and get a raw porkchop when you were dying on the line? At that point, the game's basically insulting you.


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Again, I wouldn't be upset with either decision. I just felt like I needed to introduce the other side to the forum community because I lot of people, not naming names have been insulting those who don't find the v1 chests, "better."



The community has agreed that with the v1 update more time of the game is spent gathering items. If more time is spent gathering items, how do you have time to PvP more?

Another point is, there are all new chest-routes which people have to discover in the new update. Chest-routes cause PvP. They bring people together. How are you getting into more fights when the community hasn't determined these routes yet, the update being so new?

Huh, I'm confused. In v2, there was an excessive amount of food. In v1, there isn't. So, I'm assuming the reason you're low on food is due to the v1 chests, right? But in that case, isn't everyone? Sure, some might be luckier then others, but that's just it luck. You can't base an argument off of luck.

Okay, okay... that would be a good topic sentence... You just need evidence.... I mean, sure you can say it, but where's your proof? PvP is never the same. It is very rare to have two battles that are the same, I'm sure we can all agree. PvP makes for interesting gameplay, because again, it's never the same. If v2 is just PvP, wouldn't that make it more fun? Or interesting? Or, complex?

Also, what aspects does v1 have that v2 doesn't? Sure they have different doses of aspects -- but it's the same game.

With v2 chests you also have to explore, and PvP... the only difference is the managing of the food. Yes, there is less food in v1, and even I agree v2 has an excessive amount.

One question I would like to ask. The new chest update has been introduced to US1-10, which are pretty much always full with donors. You not being a donor, how have you had the chance to play enough games to make this agruement? V2 has been around longer then the original v1, so my points are easier to make.


Thanks, but again, my arguement never was to KEEP the v2 chests. I know there are many problems with them. That being said, I think they are better then chest update chests because they offer better gameplay. What I would be happy seeing is the v2 chests edited, and then that being the update.
GG Theo. GG.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Since many people haven't tried the new chests why don't we just expand it to US 20. Its mostly only donors that get to play now anyways.
The only real solution would be to put it on all servers, which I believe is in fact a good one because then if it's disliked more then it can just get removed quickly.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
In the servers with the update on them I spend more time fighting because it is more advantagous to fight people rather than searching more chests. In V2 it would be worthwhile searching 4-5 tier 2 chests because then I would have full iron and a diamond sword. In V1 after hitting that many chests I would not be near that level of equipment so it is better to hit 2 - 3 tier2s and then kill a couple of people who have also hit that many chests.
2 -3 Tier 2s will still take the same amount of time as 4 - 5 Tier 2s with the V2 chests. The main reason why us Moderators re-did most of the Tier 2s was to fix Tier 2s that were too close together. It doesn't make as much sense to say your PvP'ing more, when it's around the same.

This point doesn't make sense, in most maps there are a good number of tier 2 chest which have not changed so people still run very similar routes therefore its is still easy to find people.
I wouldn't go as far to say it doesn't make sense. Depends which maps. Most overplayed maps have been almost entirely reset. Coming from a Moderator who sets them. Yes, there are still some maps we thought had well set Tier2s, but the majority have been nearly redone.

Just because people are low on food doesn't mean that they don't have any. If I kill 2-3 people then I will roughly 10 pieces of food which more than enough.
Yet, you could still get that same amount of food looking through chests in the time it takes you to find 2 - 3 people. It's also safer to scavenge. It's also smarter. Back to the reason why people have said the chest update is less about PvP, and more about scavenging.

PvP is just one aspect of the game and really as pretty much everyone is aware with V2 chests means that PvP is the main part of the games ie the rest of the survival and other aspects are very much diminished.
You said that you were PvP'ing more with the new chest update. If you're PvP'ing more with the new chests, why are you saying the Survival aspect is diminished with V2? I mean, your contradicting yourself.

In V1 PvP is better because every fight is very much different where you have to take on people with different equipment which can give them different advantages for example one person may have a flint and steel where as the other may have a fishing rod. In V2 you are almost certain to have both of these items. Therefore the gameplay is more complex in V1 as there is more depth to PvP and the other aspects of the game such as survival.
That's still true with the V2 chests. Only in the end of the game with the V2 chests did you have all of those items. In the beginnings of games to mid-game sometimes I only had FnS, others, a fishing rod. The PvP is still as much in depth. Yet, I do see your point. V1 does offer a little bit more depth as it is harder to collect items, but I wouldn't say it's riddled of it entirely. I still don't want to have V2 chests, nor do I want V1. In a perfect world I would like to have the V2 chests edited to have a bit less food, FnS, fishing rods, ect. Unfortunately, I don't think this is a perfect world so I'll accept V1 or V2 chests.

This is not true there is practacally no need to explore in V2, there is very little gained in doing so by the time you have hit your chest route you always have all of the equipment you need.
Searching for people to kill is a type of exploring, and I do that EVERY game with the V2 chests. Also, from a new player standpoint, exploring could still be helpful.

I have not had any trouble getting into games and I have never been kicked to allow a donor to play. I have played 30- 50 games on the servers with update on them so I think I know what I am talking about.
Since many people haven't tried the new chests why don't we just expand it to US 20. Its mostly only donors that get to play now anyways.
^ Again, the upper servers are dominated by donors. Yet, I do understand there has been a lack of players due to the start of school. Still a valid point to bring up nonetheless.

Don't take any of this personally, I quite like debating. (I have a couple classes that focus on it.) Good points my friend!
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
Oh, the chest update. Such controversy!
written entirely between doing chores xD

Most people are afraid of change. Especially gamers. We know that developers could take a perfectly good game, and try to change, trying to better it, but really making everything a lot worse *cough cough Ace of Spades cough* . We've lost plenty of good titles to bad kinds of change or change that would influence the flow of money into a company's pockets. We don't want a new addition to an already fun-to-play game. It could just ruin it. I believe this to be one of the many factors that goes into the 71% dislike of a chest nerfing.

Another factor is, well, not being good. The majority of people are in the phase where they lose... a lot. Knowing that chest nerfing would make it their lives even harder than they already have it is not a pleasant thought. If they knew that they could hit a lucky streak with the new chest system instead of all grouping up at their favorite Youtuber's chest route or running blindly into who knows where, they could just find a chest that nobody else could have with the tier 3 randomization. Also, the v1 chests don't only nerf what's inside them, it nerfs what pros are able to do. Instead of hitting up your favorite routes, a pro may just not get anything they need at all, giving a 'bad' player a little bit of an upper hand where at first they had none.

And, although I loved the v2 chests, I think that they could've used a bit of nerfing even with out a whole new layout or update. Five people in iron with diamond swords is just a bit too much. While you can easily play and mess around, you don't truly experience the desired point of the game: to survive. Personally, I enjoy games that involve searching, finding, and surviving. Games like Skyrim, the Legend of Zelda Series, or Spelunky. Players get a burst of
adrenaline from barely surviving a situation and just having enough resources to scrape their sorry selves through to the end and achieve victory. These adrenaline situations are few and far between on the v2 chests. With the v2 chests, you're well equipped and ready for anything. You'd charge a team head on if you saw one. With the v1 chests, however, you're always endangered by something. Lack of food, lack of weapons, lack of armor, lack of... friends. A team is an object you need to avoid unless you equipped yourself well enough. You may just be forced into killing to survive instead of being able to walk away and being bloated with your 17 loaves of bread.

So yes, I support v1 chests as much as any old-timer, but I really don't think the public polls should be enough evidence. People just need to try something new. It'd be great to have the chest update with a 'trial' to see if people liked it or not in everyday existence.

TL;DR? I bolded some stuff, too.

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