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Goodbye MCSG/ MCSG story

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Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
As you can see from the title, I am leaving MCSG, but first I will share my MCSG story with you.

It all started when I leant my friend my account in November he told me in February that he had discovered these new servers, I immediately went on them and started playing, I played hundreds of games but I just couldn't win. But eventually, like most people do; they get one in the end. I can remember being so happy about the win, I was running around the house for at least half an hour!

I then started playing with my friend Jojo, he introduced me to my first skype friend... @fluffyninjaaa . We all got better and better (Well fluffy did anyway) and then fluffyninjaaa reached 100 wins! When he told me I was so jealous. When finding out about that I played even more, but won about 5. xD, After a while of searching for clans I found one by @SkeletonBoss , he showed me how to use flint&steel and becoming a decent player. He then went off to make "TheRomans" Where you needed 100 wins; this made me even more desperate to get the big 100. But first, I had to hit 5o. And as soon as I did that, I made a clan with @jfdragon and @badluck86 . It wasn't the best clan and we didn't have the best reputation, but it was fun! When I was in The Rivals I met someone called @Spax4 . He then left to make his own clan and we had a clan battle with him. It was probably one of the craziest clan battles everywhere. Everyone having there own little argument between the other player; little did I know that spax was going to become a bigger part of my MCSG story. In The Rivals I met some amazing people!






Anyway, I logged on skype after school and I saw everyone had left TheRivals, I was so devastated. But I moved on and created a new clan with spax called DestructionPvP! It was a great clan winning almost every clan battle they faced, during my time in there I met someone who I thought was amazing! @DeadStrikers10 , he was a really good pvp'er and dominated in clan battles. Someone I respected even before he join the clan. Then... I was in a call with some people from the clan and I suddenly saw spax say he was gonna leave to make a new one. I was so pissed off; are clan was doing so well, he had no reason to leave but he did. Some awesome dudes I met in DestructionPvP




Now, onto why I am leaving

I am leaving because MCSG has just got so boring/repetitive. It's just always the same, you play and either kill the team or die to the team. Every single time that happens unless your teaming.

Anyway, goodbye MCSG I will miss you a lot. By the way, I will still play every once in a while with friends.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Well Good Bye Sir. Hope that life is good to you and take you where you want to go.


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
Its sad when people leave mcsg. I hope you enjoyed mcsg, and maybe you can come back. ;-;
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