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Nominations for MCSG Awards 2013


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
*Disclaimer: I know so many people will say 'Unoriginal!'. This is a thread where the community chooses who the nominees are. The end candidates are not chosen by me. The people with the most nominations for each sections will be put into a poll later in the year.*

Hello MCSG Tributes.
I am AMooseMan3, bringing you the Nominations for the MCSG Awards 2013. As far as I know this is the first of its kind. You, the people of MCSG will pick every single Nominee for each section. The 6 people with the most nominations on the 18th of October 2013 will be put into a poll on a seperate thread, and the winner of that will be crowned the best of that section. Remember, when the nominations close, if you didn't nominate you can't complain. Here are the sections for the MCSG Awards:
Best PVPer of 2013
Friendliest person in the Community
Most active Forum User
Best Clan
Best MCSG artist(Must do some MCSG art)
Best MCSG Youtuber
Best Map Creator
Best MCSGer(Top award, someone who has most of these features. They don't have to be a youtuber, map designer or artist though.)
Most hated person in MCSG
Best Spammer

If you think I left a section out, please leave it in the comments! (Be semi-serious though :p)

Alright, here are the applications for each section!

Best PVPer of 2013:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
Why do they deserve to be titled best PVPer

Friendliest person in MCSG:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
Why do they deserve to be titled the Friendliest person in MCSG?

Most Active Forum User:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's forum name?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
How often do they post on different threads?

Best Clan:
What is your IGN?
What is the name of the clan you are nominating?
Are you affiliated with this clan? If so, how?
Why does this clan deserve to be titled best MCSG Clan?

Best MCSG Artist:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's forum name?
Does the Nominee have a Youtube channel? If so, what is the link?
Why does the Nominee deserve to be titled best MCSG Artist?

Best MCSG Youtuber:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's Youtube channel?
How many subs does the Nominee have?
What makes the Nominee special?
Why does the Nominee deserve to be titled the best MCSG Youtuber?

Best Map Creator:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's Forum name?
What maps does the Nominee have on MCSG?
Why does the Nominee deserve to be titled the best MCSG Map Creator?

Best MCSGer
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's Forum name?
What does the Nominee do to deserve this title?
What attributes does the Nominee have, and what does he/she do to show it?

Best Spammer:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's Forum name?
How often does the Nominee spam in MCSG or on the forums?
Is he/she nub?
Is this a joke?

Best Hacker:
What is your IGN?
What is the Nominee's IGN?
What is the Nominee's Forum name?
What hacks does he/she use?
Is he/she banned?
Is this a joke?

Thank you for reading the thread on the Nominations for the 2013 MCSG Awards, and may the odds be ever in your favour! (Except for the last 3, no one wants those. :L


Last edited:


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Best Hacker:
What is your IGN? billyguy1
What is the Nominee's IGN? Leafygreentea
What is the Nominee's Forum name? @LeafyGreenTea
What hacks does he/she use? WTF hacks
Is he/she banned? Yes
Is this a joke?


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Best Hacker:
What is your IGN? billyguy1
What is the Nominee's IGN? Leafygreentea
What is the Nominee's Forum name? @LeafyGreenTea
What hacks does he/she use? WTF hacks
Is he/she banned? Yes
Is this a joke?
I don't think that's hacks. I think that's just really good PVP. He/she/unspecified should be unbanned.



Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I found a category that I qualify for, so I guess I'll nominate myself.

Most Active Forum User:
What is your IGN? RC_4777
What is the Nominee's forum name? RC_4777
What is the Nominee's IGN? RC_4777
How often do they post on different threads? All day every day. About 5,500 posts in about 7 months, I think I have the most posts since I joined. All the people with more posts have been here like twice as long as me.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Ohhh nu! I don't think YOU'RE the flying popart around here that FARTS rainbows!
Just joking. You seem to be a better cat than I'll ever be c:
Once the Master, always the Master :p

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