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Ninga's MCSG Story!

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District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well it has been a very long journey so far and will most likely never end!

It all started in April 2012, I couldn't get to bed one night so I was on my ipad, It was about 1am and I saw a video posted by inthelittlewood saying he was streaming, I jumped on to my computer and started to watch it. Of course, he was playing Survival games, I fell in love with the game just by watching the stream, there were some amazing moments in it that I will never forget.

About 3 weeks later I found out that the gamemode they played on the stream was now on automated servers, I was a bit late to find it but still early enough that there was only one map. I remember getting all the way do deathmatch with 1 heart and literally no items but a leather cap, SomeMugger killed me.. :c A week later sg2 came out and I was getting better luck on there, about my 8th game on sg2 I got my first win, I was the most happiest person in the world and I couldn't wait to tell all my friends about it.

I started to get better and were playing with some people from school, we were just a noob squad running around getting killed, I started meeting people in the servers who I skype teamed with as well. the first person I added was a 22 year old named Slysooz, it felt quite weird considering I was 12 at the time but he was just a generally nice guy who just wanted to play minecraft. I later on met Xratedvegi who is pirateguy27 or you would know him as TomoHD now. We met in the glorious party hole asking for random teams. We pretty much became best internet friends. xD

I once went into a call with Slysooz and he was talking about how amazing this client is, and sadly..This is where I started hacking. He sent me nodus and I gave it a try. For the first couple hours we were just laughing in amazement and testing all the hacks. No one really got suspicious. The only hacks I used after that day was Radar and Full bright. I sadly got some of my friends to start hacking with me, it was a terrible thing.

My pvp skills were getting a lot better without using combat hacks, I made a forum account to get donor and a mod told me to go on teamspeak on it. I had no idea why. When I finally installed it and got on, he moved me into a chat with about 20 people in it and everyone was cheering for me. What had happened is that I ended Somemuggers win streak of I think 50 or something, just out of pure luck. I started going on teamspeak a lot more because of all the nice people, I got many good tactics from bigmike4life and all those people. I still remember this time I was in the sg1 boat with an Sr.Mod on teamspeak and I did auto steal on a chest we were both in, the way I played it out was so bad; "Oh sh*t someone is invisible in here start swinging randomly" stuff like that xD I got away with it just :p

It was about a week from the end of beta and I had just got onto the 100th spot on the leaderboard. It was the most amazing achievement for me ever! When Beta ended and update with minecraft went through, Nodus hadn't updated so I didn't have it, I won my first 2 games on the US servers in v1. I ended up never installing the hacks again, I noticed that I just didn't need em.

Au servers came out very shortly after and I was determined to be number 1. I was number 1 with 20 or so wins in the first week, I ended up going on vacation for a week or so and came back to see me rank 50th with Brodina5 at top. I worked so hard to try get back up there and after about a fortnight I overtook him. I stayed up at the top with no interruptions for about 7 months. Someone that was always tailing me was also AssassinRazor. We ended up adding eachother on skype with the theory of us being the best team ever on au. He had this friend called valkorum. We all played together way too much. It ended up being Me and Assassin rank 1 and 2, with val being a bit behind. Since there were no real clan back then we were the most known team, and the most powerful team in au. We ended up getting the name for ourselves 'nVa' being Ninga, Valkorum, Assassin.

I started seeing many hackers on MCSG, I got mad and tried to report some, the first I targetedwere Dr_Hunters and IVIattando97. I tried so hard to get them banned, my methods weren't very efficient though and Hunters got away with it and if I can remember Matt ended up turning himself in by mistake with a ban dispute or something. I some reason kept Matt on skype, no idea why..

As nVa we went far, but eventually our ego's got in the way of our friendship, there were arguments about points and wins every game, we ended up hating eachother and never talking again. I kinda stopped playing so frequently because of the amount of things happening in my life at the time..Assassin ended up overtaking me and I began to not care. One day I was losing points left, right and center, the rage inside of me was too much. I made this little motto for myself called "f*ck points, have fun" I bountied all my points to someone and everyone in that lobby followed, the chant was spamming the chat. From that, a lot of us who bountied added each other on skype. at first I think it was just Habberz and Hystericallify and some others I forgot, sorry :c We ended up making a clan called 'Seems legit' for Pro's that had no points, for the illusion that we were bad. This was when no one really got rid of their points, but we did after every game.

Seems legit ended up dying down and to be honest I can't really remember what happened around now, lol xD

It was December and my birthday was coming around and I knew I was getting a new computer. When I got the computer I was having some problems, I think I put it as my skype status. IVIattando97 ended up messaging me with a solution, we had been in some random group chats in the last 2 weeks or so we weren't complete enemies. Even though I only had him on skype to try get him banned a while back xD We started playing a lot together and ended up becoming really good friends. I met a couple other people like DayBreak_27 and Pinklily88 through Matt which I ended up becoming good friends with.

MCSG v2 came around and I found a glitch on the first day of it, I posted it to my youtube channel and it was the last video I have posted since. I went to Black ops 2 for quite a while and just didn't play minecraft at all, I was still keeping friendships with some of my minecraft friends but some moved on as well. When I stopped playing cod I was so behind in the gist of MCSG it wasn't even funny xD

I then made a clan With IVIattando97 called The kitty cat clan. This was to rebel against the rebels.xD because they loved dogs. We just trolled a lot and just mucked around. I ended up leaving someone in charge when I went away for a week, when I got back the clan was to sh*t. It all disbanded and I kinda just gave up with my own clans and just played with friends casually.

I started becoming more active in the forums then in game, I just loved foruming and started getting really engaged in it. I kept seeing Phoenix Au clan popping up in the recent threads box. I then found out that Matt had applied and was accepted in them, I then applied myself and got accepted. Some amazing times were in the chat and in game with all of them, darkai202 and Kytria Mainly :p

I left phoenix a while later and literally the only person I would play with was Matt, never bothered playing solo or with other people because it just wasn't fun. We had some amazing times playing and just in general. I ended up giving 3 month diamond donor to Pinklily88 for a PBnJ as just a joke at first but then she literally sent it in the mail, it was delicious! At this time I was becoming much more active in the forums and playing some other games. Once when I was playing, we spotted AssassinRazor and valkorum who we thought had quit forever, we ended up getting eachother back on skype and actually ended up reviving nVa. It didn't last long until we kicked/left Assassin. with Adding Kealad into his spot. My friendship with Matt and those people was kinda fading and I was getting into the Clan battle in au, god are they horrible.. The rule breaking and the arguments are just too much, I slowly stopped playing MCSG but was becoming much more active on the forums.

And now is the present time, I haven't exactly played MCSG for a while now, just been playing payday 2 xD It's been a long time here and I will never leave the community because I love you guys <3

Some of this might be incorrect :/ my memory isn't the best.

Some special Mentions (To the people I mentioned and the people I didn't)

Slysooz: Even though you were the reason I hacked, was great time we had and I respect you not being like most people who would just label me as a squeaker and not talk to me.

Mutated_Penguin Tiach: Some amazing times that I just loved, though the amount I was being tricked by you 2 was pretty insane (the dating, who is on which account etc.)

TomoHD: Really funny guy to hang out with and always good times, and in the spongebob voice "idiot friends" we will always be 'Internet freiinds' xD

IVIattando97: Probably my favorite person I have ever met on the internet and even though we aren't exactly friends anymore I will always remember the fun times we shared.

AssassinRazor valkorum Kealad: Our fun times of tryharding and being the top and stuff were always great fun which I will always miss

Brodina5: Always giving me competition from the start of AU to be top :p

Pinklily88: Some really unique fun times and of course..Meow :3

Lululioness: Probably the best singer I have ever heard and in general is just a really nice person who was really nice to me which I really did appreciate.

Spike11 is hawt. :3

NyanCaatt: even though you are new and we just talk on the forums, you are just a really nice person.

DerpyDash11: Really good friend that I have known for so long now, he gave me camtasia and that really helped me with my youtube back in the day and just for editing in general for school things. Really generous and generally always a nice guy.

ChadTheDJ: Without you I wouldn't know any of these people and I wouldn't have had so much run in the last year and so. These servers and the people in them have been a huge help to me coping with my family issues, so I couldn't thank you more Chad for these servers.

Sorry if I missed you, I have horrible memory.

So that's all, I'd be amazed if you read this all, writing this made me remember all the old days which did make me sad but whatever, past is past and hopefully the future can be as amazing!


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Nice story. I almost popped out my tissue box. I actually didn't knew you hacked.


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Nice story. I almost popped out my tissue box. I actually didn't knew you hacked.
Very dark times :c No one really knew I hacked except for close friends. there was this one mod that banned me when I was hacking for hacks I wasn't using, with no evidence though.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Very dark times :c No one really knew I hacked except for close friends. there was this one mod that banned me when I was hacking for hacks I wasn't using, with no evidence though.

So you got banned without hacking while you where hacking before? gg. Anyways, hope you are not the next one to leave, because I apparently been seeing a lot of people leaving.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Man this story gives me the nostalgia.

Glad to know you Ninga :)


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Wow... That's an emotional story.. For Minecraft.. It makes me feel special that you included me into special shout outs because I only just met you <3 Thankyou <3

I got the alert this morning for this and I read about 2 paragraphs then Mum made me go to school. I didn't want to go because I wanted to finish reading. But Mum made me go to school </3 I was waiting all day to read the rest of the story and it was nagging me all day. As soon as I got home I got my laptop and went to room and continued reading this.

I'd like to say thankyou for being there from the start of me being on the forums C: I still need to add you on SKype and give you my Steam. xD

Thankyou for tagging me and adding me to this C:


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Wow... That's an emotional story.. For Minecraft.. It makes me feel special that you included me into special shout outs because I only just met you <3 Thankyou <3

I got the alert this morning for this and I read about 2 paragraphs then Mum made me go to school. I didn't want to go because I wanted to finish reading. But Mum made me go to school </3 I was waiting all day to read the rest of the story and it was nagging me all day. As soon as I got home I got my laptop and went to room and continued reading this.

I'd like to say thankyou for being there from the start of me being on the forums C: I still need to add you on SKype and give you my Steam. xD

Thankyou for tagging me and adding me to this C:
D'awww Thank you c:
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