• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

New maps, moar servers and updates!


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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Hello MCSG'ers. So we just pushed out some fixes tonight to address some of the instability issues with the lobby servers. More updates this week to handle the growing demand of players! Just to highlight a few things we did:
  • New Map: Teweran Survival Games 3 (Finally it's public...)
  • New Servers: US servers updated to 100 SG lobbies. (EU going to be updated to 100 SG servers later this week)
  • API updates (more updates later this week)
  • Fixed the restarting issue after Forairan and subv3rsion broke it.
  • New "original" lobby back for a visit!
Some things we want to confirm as rumors have been spreading about it:
  • AU will be also getting a hub soon with more servers. Should be up by this weekend.
  • Chest updates will be updated soon with Tier 3's. We are still balancing them as of now.
  • AS and CA locations are being looked into for additional servers but no "hub" (not final).
  • Some older, not as popular maps will be removed to replace with newer arenas (info soon).
Later this week, there will be more updates and improvements to our system as we are working out the kinks. Also we been actively reading your feedback with the new way of joining via the hub lobby and just want to clarify that you can still join directly (us1.mcsg.in, us2.mcsg.in ect). Expect a post within a few days for more stability updates.

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