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PvP Facts and Tips

Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
I usually don't share PvP information, mostly due to the fact that if people use the info they'll get better :p, but I have decided to share my wisdom, and to explain how you too can eliminate teams of 3+ whrn they have equipment advantages.

First thing's first; no matter what Jerome says, axes are NOT stronger than swords. A diamond axe is equivalent to an iron sword, and axes cannot block damage like a sword can. If you have a stone axe and a stone sword, for the love Notch use that sword!

On the subject of blocking, when you right click with a sword you can block attacks. A block will absorb half of the damage dealt, though it does not stop potion effects, fire, drowning, or fall damage. An effective use for blocking is to block incoming arrows, since a fully drawn arrow does up to 5 hearts if you aren't wearing armor. Many people will swing a sword and block simultaneously, which is called block hitting. This does NOT work. A block is only successful if it is held for at least half a second or so, otherwise no damage is absorbed.

Another PvP feature that is argued about by thousands is critical hits. A critical hit is very easily seen, because yellow star particles fly off of the enemy when they are hit. If you have your particles on Minimal, you will NOT see the star particles, so be aware of that, because critical hits still happen. A critical hit happens while the player is FALLING, not by jumping. You can cause critical hits by jumping to make yourself fall, but jumping alone does nothing. A risky strategy is to jump into a cobweb; you lose a lot of mobility, but until you hit the ground, since you are slowly falling, every hit you make will be critical. How good are critical hits? A critical hit will do a random amount of damage that is up to 50% of regular weapon damage, plus an additional heart. For example, wood swords do 4 damage, which equals 2 hearts, and this is without armor, mind you. 50% of the 2 hearts is up to 1 extra heart, plus the additional heart that is always added. A wood sword critical hit does 3-4 hearts of damage, so potentially twice as strong as a normal hit.

A lot of people don't know what the sharpness enchant actually adds for damage. Sharpness will randomly add .5-1.5 hearts of damage to any hit, and every level of it increases the effect.

The amount of damage swords do is determined by the material, armor the opponent is wearing, and if the hit was critical. Here are the damage values for every sword (No, it is not a mistake. Gold swords are the same strength as Wooden swords)
WOOD: Normal= 2 hearts Crit= 3-4 hearts Sharpness I+Crit= 4.5-5.5 hearts
STONE: Normal= 2.5 hearts Crit= 3.5-4.5 hearts Sharpness I+Crit= 5-6 hearts
IRON: Normal= 3 hearts Crit= 4-5.5 hearts Sharpness I+Crit= 6-7 hearts
DIAMOND: Normal= 3.5 hearts Crit= 4.5-6 hearts Sharpness I+Crit= 6.5-7.5 hearts
GOLD: Normal= 2 hearts Crit= 3-4 hearts Sharpness I+Crit= 4.5-5.5 hearts

Bows are more powerful than you may expect. Bows have critical hits as well, and occur when an arrow is fully drawn. That yellow star particles indicating the critical hit are shown tailing the arrow. A fully drawn arrow will do 5 hearts

Every icon on the Armor Bar represents 8% of damage being reduced. So a full set of diamond armor blocks 80% of damage. A wood sword doing a 4 heart crit hit would sometimes do no damage, other times at most half a heart. Here's some data for the rest of the full sets of armor, as well as Diamond in the same format so you can see it
LEATHER: Icons= 3.5 Damage Reduction= 28%
GOLD: Icons= 5.5 Damage Reduction= 44%
CHAIN: Icons= 6 Damage Reduction= 48%
IRON: Icons= 7.5 Damage Reduction= 60%
DIAMOND Icons= 10 Damage Reduction= 80%

Your hunger will eventually start depleting, so food is a good idea to have, and not just because without food you will sure as hell lose the match. Raw food, cookies, and fruit, excluding Golden Apples, are pretty bad sources of food. There is an invisible meter in the game called Saturation, and the higher that bar is, the longer you take to start losing hunger. Cooked food, bread, stew, pie, and Golden Apples are all much better sources of Saturation, not to mention they restore more hunger anyway. Use items such as wooden axes and swords, or saplings to cook raw food if you find a furnace, because it will certainly benefit you. Try not to eat rotten flesh, since it drops your saturation to a negative number (the intense Hunger effect), and ultimately you will have less hunger than when you ate the flesh.

-Strafe around the opponent and hit as you turn. You'll be harder to hit.
-Sprint and jump only when being chased, it will save your hunger dramatically.
-Don't only use critical hits. Sometimes, just rushing someone and rapidly hitting is a better idea.
-If someone is in a chest or going through items on the ground, land at least 2 critical hits on them with a stone sword, them finish them off, because that will in almost every case take down half their hearts or more
-In water battles, go underneath your opponent. Your reach is annoyingly more accurate than theirs.
-Also go underwater if someone is shooting at you or fishing rodding you. It's a lot harder for them to hit you.
-If someone goes for a chest you were going to, if you are close enough, try and grab the weapon if there us one before they do, and attempt to kill them. Only attempt in an open area, for room to escape.
-Do not team with people unless there is a stacked player that you solo have no chance defeating. If you team just because you and other people have amazing gear, you'll be seen as a total jerk

That's all the advice I will give. Maybe you people who team will finally be able to kill me knowing all this :3 Peace out


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Why would you share all of this!
Oh well, nobody will use this information effectively hopefully and I can still win with ease :3


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I guess I should contribute here.
Shoot at someone who is below water above the water, try to aim as close to them as possible because if you shoot underwater your power is significantly reduced (not your damage) and the arrows falls to floor very quickly.


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with everything except for the part about block-hitting. If used correctly it WORKS fine. Although whether it is effective or not depends entirely on when you choose to apply it. In my opinion the only time you should use block-hitting is when your mobibility is already decreased, like when you are in a confined space. But it most definitely does work and can be very OP if used correctly... The only time block hitting can be used as a main PVP tactic is when you are skilled enough, that you can strafe while block-hitting. To do this you have to strafe an only attack when you need too.
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Why would you share all of this!
Oh well, nobody will use this information effectively hopefully and I can still win with ease :3
Lol I only shared all of this because I'm tired of the people who say gold swords are iron strength or people who think critical hits are caused by weapon type and by quick clicking. The info was shared so maybe the amount of skilled players would increase, raising the competition and difficulty of winning. I for one do not enjoy killing 10 people one game only to get owned by the smart guy who stalked me and killed me when I was weak. I would much rather kill 3 or so players, but have a fun, challenging fight doing so, and sharing this information is a step closer to a better challenge in these games. Oh and just to settle this for other people, I said that when you block too fast it is useless, and that is true. BUT if you do hold the block long enough it can be useful, minus the fact that you can't move that easily or very fast


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
So for the Hunger and Saturation, eating cooked food will make you lose hunger slower?

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