“Hey there you young whipper snapper! Did I ever tell you the story of my first ramble? I remember my first ramble. It was back in the summer of sixty-four, or sunny-year-mas as we called summer at the time. Anyway, I was rambling about my hat to Neil Armstrong, who said he had been on the moon but I knew it was fake and they made simulated-y it inna lab or Hollywood somewhere. I was once in a lab/Hollywood. There was this family trip... Oh, anyway, back to the subject -have I ever told you about the many ways people pronounce '/' while talking? Oddly, those people who record them, as in quotes, see, always transcribe- err... write, them '/', even if they're bizzarely not similar, like / or / or / or... I knew another sentence I made that went like that, being "punctuation or punctuation or..." once. Funny how it happened. It was just like this, see...
I had my 13th birthday back whilst I was fighting in nam. I once owned an automobile back then , and now they are inventing modern , hip names for everything. TV? Back in my day it was called a tranceferable telivisionary machine. I do not get the meaning of these so called "games". Whatever happened to hopscotch and chess?