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My MCSG ideas.

Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I just thought I would point out a few things I would like in MCSG. Prepare for a semi long bunch of words :3

Idea 1: Server rentals.

This one sounds weird, so let me explain myself. For a price (I'l give my ideas later) you could basically "rent" a MCSG server to play a few games with your friends. There would be options like:

-The ability to allow anyone to join your rented server or a Whitelist.
-You could set so after everybody in your server on your Whitelist is in, normal people could join.
-Choose which map ahead of time or just go to vote.

The prices could be:
$2 a game, or 3 rounds for $5.

Your most likely now thinking, hey what if 50% of servers are rented and nobody could play? Well, if you were worried about that, than listen to this idea:

-3 servers per area (CA,AU,US,Asia,EU) could be rented at a time, leaving plenty of servers for the non-rental people.

Idea 2: Ender pearls in chests.

This is pretty simple, so this will be a quickie:

-In tier 2 chests, there would be a chance of getting a ender pearl.

Reason why:

-Ender pearls are fun and could add a whole new element to the game, slowing down long-lasting chases and giving weaker players things like ambush options and such. It could be a getaway item in some cases but you would be lucky to have 1 ender pearl, so its not something that means nothing.

Idea 3: Some snazzy new sponsor items.

I have a few ideas here, so let me get started:

1. Night vision potion- 125 points.
Reason: When the maps get dark, visibility is something that could be helpful, but not too advantage-giving.

2. Leather helmet- 100 points.
Reason: Its just a helpful helmet.

3. Golden apple- 250 points.
Reason: Even if you think this is OP, The high price I think it should be is making any "that's too OP" arguement null and void.

Hope you enjoyed reading this,



Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
The Ender Pearl thing is better off as a sponsor item. Other than that, good stuff :D
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
I dont think we need this stuff added in to mcsg which would cause more bugs for devs do deal with then it would be as laggy as ever

Because new sponsor items, one more chest item, and the ability to rent servers would cause lag? Maybe bugs, but every update does.

Kinda hoping a Mod/Developer looks at this. :D


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my opinion.

The server rentals idea is cool, I just don't think its very practical. Its already very hard for non donors to get into games, and this would only make it worse. Also it probably costs MCSG more money to pay for the server than the money you are paying to rent it.

As to enderpearls their are several negatives to this idea. For one, enderpearls would just make chases last longer and endorse running. Also I think it wouldn't make enderpearls feel so "special" anymore. Plus, people could abuse them by escaping the map. There's already a way to get out of SG2 with them. Even though enderpearls would add a new element of gameplay, I just prefer them as a sponsor item only.

Finally on to the new sponsor items idea. A night vision potion wouldn't be OP, but I just don't feel it would be that helpful. Just turn up your brightness :) Leather helmets would be kind of pointless as they only add half an armor bar, and golden apples wouldn't actually be that bad, as long as they cost at least 250 points.
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my opinion.

The server rentals idea is cool, I just don't think its very practical. Its already very hard for non donors to get into games, and this would only make it worse. Also it probably costs MCSG more money to pay for the server than the money you are paying to rent it.

As to enderpearls their are several negatives to this idea. For one, enderpearls would just make chases last longer and endorse running. Also I think it wouldn't make enderpearls feel so "special" anymore. Plus, people could abuse them by escaping the map. There's already a way to get out of SG2 with them. Even though enderpearls would add a new element of gameplay, I just prefer them as a sponsor item only.

Finally on to the new sponsor items idea. A night vision potion wouldn't be OP, but I just don't feel it would be that helpful. Just turn up your brightness :) Leather helmets would be kind of pointless as they only add half an armor bar, and golden apples wouldn't actually be that bad, as long as they cost at least 250 points.

1. It could only be one per area. And they could just use a server they already have. Or the could have a server that's only online when you rent it.

2. Ender pearls open a lot of options that make them worth it IMO. For example, you could ambush better armored players by dropping onto them, which I find a worthwhile strategy. You could also use them to beat players to chests, and the options are as vast as the players imagination. The fact that you can use them as a getaway is sort of cheap, but really, a lot of things people do are cheaper than that.

3. Even with full brightness, a NV potion would help a lot both with just spotting chests and seeing things to help make a getaway. Golden apple is good, and a leather helmet could help. And seriously, you think a leather helmets useless? Right now it's 10 points more for a mushroom soup than a raw porkchop.



Dec 24, 2012
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Ender pearls aren't great as sponsor items, because it means that people can get to areas that people without the pearls can't. As an item in TIER 2'S????? I think it would be more fair as a tier 3 item, but even then I don't know.....


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
How to rent MCSG servers:

Step 1. Get donor with a bunch of your friends.
Step 2. Kick people out of random server.
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Profit.

Just kidding, I thought the renting idea was actually kind of cool. But ender pearls are OP, and I personally would like the sponsoring items you listed.

I give these ideas 7 out of 10 rotten bananas.


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Too many people would rent servers, ender pearls would get more annoying than they already are, and I don't think a golden apple is very OP. You might be thinking god apple. A good idea would be have 25 servers be v2 and 25 servers be v1. Only problem is maybe too many people will be joining the v1 or v2 servers, and the others are empty.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Alrighty, lets get into this :p

Idea 1: Server rentals.

This could probably work out, but I'm not a developer, so I don't really have an 'authoritative" opinion on the matter. Renting servers could be really fun for a group of people, although, it would have to cost more if implemented, seeing as there'd be basically 3 dedicated servers for renting, which is believe it or not, very expensive on MCSG's behalf.

Overall, it would be cool, but expensive, and very impractical.

3/10 practicality points, sorry >.<

Idea 2: Ender Pearls in chests.

Easy enough to implement, but, I think many people would disagree with wanting to add them. Why? As you mentioned, chases would be much easier, but in all actuality, they'd be harder for the runner, and sometimes even the person hunting them down.

As you may know, Enderpearls aren't the most accurate way of transportation in minecraft, and can easily get you further behind a runner. In my opinion, these can disadvantage you a lot more than they advantage you.

Overall, I wouldn't mind them being added, but they'd be very annoying and make MCSG a lot less of a representative of the "running strategy".

6/10 practicality points.

Idea 3: Some snazzy new sponsor items.

I really hate downing your ideas, but unfortunately, I really don't see most of your listen sponsor item suggestions working out. Potions were attempted,( be it not the one you suggested), and kind of failed. They were replaced soon after, and more than likely will not be added back, this going for any representative of the 'potion group'.

The leather helmet is alright, but for the protection they provide you, it's like sending someone an eggshell :p. It'd honestly be a silly addition. It wouldn't hurt, but in my opinion, there's better things to be added.

Golden apples. Assuming you don't mean God Apples, I actually wouldn't mind this being added. It's a definite way to help a friend in need out, and for a high price point, shouldn't end up being to over-powered.

Overall, I'd possibly like to see some new sponsor items, but unfortunately, your suggestions are not to my taste.

4/10 practicality points.

**Really sorry if I sounded harsh. I went over this a few times to make sure I didn't, but if I did, please don't take offense. I tried to answer as honestly as possible, not hurt your feelings :)**

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