IGN(Ingame Name): USUCKNOOB/ WhosNoobHD
Wins(Must have 70+): 181 total
How will you help the clan?: He's good
How much do you really like MCSG?: A lot
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, or toby22?: burning
How often do you get on?: 3 hours a day
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Weaknesses: Hackers, 3+ Teams, Jerm_Kunzy- Strengths: Fishing Rod, sword, bow, Not Jerm_Kunzy
Favorite maps?: Demons Breeze, SG4, ValleySide University
I'm posting this because Noob is too lazy to apply.