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Strategies for being victorious!


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hey I play MCSG a lot and would like to help out some of our newer members :). I have some wins under my belts here at MCSG and intend to get more, I have played a good amount of accumulative games on these servers. here are some tips I try to keep in mind while in-game! Don't be hesitant to add comments or point out any flaws in this guide.

General Tips:

1. Always run to the chests in the middle, head for the chest nearest to you, grab the loot and book it! If you see someone with a sword, run immediately, unless you have a weapon and think you can defeat them. Something that works only once in a while is if you have a game not completely full you can target the chests in front of the empty podiums, so you can guarantee some loot to give you that helpful head-start.

2. If you get a decent chest in the beginning, say with a sword or weapon of some sort, turn and kill as many people as possible, target people with iron armor or valuables of some sort, that way you can start off the game strong with some great tools and armor. But if you do not get a sword or weapon, do NOT put on armor, people will be more likely to target you for your gear, so if you get good armor in the beginning but no weapon, just run and act like you have nothing. Keep an eye out for other players that may have gotten weapons at spawn, in my experiences they will try to target you if you have your weapon out and are attacking other tributes, so I'd recommend holding off for just a short amount of time before you go crazy attacking tributes, to try an scout out the other dangers in the early stages of the game, if you do see other tributes with weapons in the very beginning, try to attack them and catch them off guard.

3. Teams can always be helpful, say if you play with a friend, or even find someone while in lobby, Although be sure to always be on high alert when playing with someone new ( if you teamed with someone in lobby) because there is a good chance they will betray you and reap the rewards. ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER, this is very important in case one of you gets jumped :eek:, Unless you each have great gear and are confident. Sometimes teams can be hard because you have to split profits, if you get good items, just keep them for yourself, only give away duplicates, unless you want your teammate or friend to win.

4. If you are confident with your tools/armor, I would recommend hunting down other tributes to maximize your chances of winning by getting more gear. Always check spawn for people that might be waiting for the chests to refill if you're hunting, this is always a good hotspot to check. Don't be too confident when hunting other tributes because a lot of times there will be teams, and teams will be able to double team you with worse armor, sometimes you may be able to beat them if your PvP skills are superior, or if your armor is better by a good amount, say like they have leather, and you have iron, then I would just go for it. Don't be fooled, there is great PvPers in the MCSG community who will be able to beat you with lesser armor no doubt, so if you are fighting someone and you think that they are better PvPers, I would back off and try to find other people to distract them away from yourself.

5. Stay near spawn! Always stay somewhat near the spawn, or at least know where it is from your current position, because usually later in the game sponsors will refill the chests, and you will want to be near spawn because of it's high density of chests with great loot. Try to be the first one there when chests refill, take all of the good loot and wait it out to see if other tributes show up, then you can have them come to you, and since you have all of the good loot, eliminate of them :). Also if there is left over iron armor in the spawn, that you don't need I would recommend sill taking them out of the chests, this way the other tributes don't get a hold of it, plus you can always just burn it if you don't have the space in your inventory.

6. Where to locate and collect chests: Near spawn there are usually obvious chests just laying on the ground, Once you get further in the map they can be in various places. Places I search are in buildings, in trees, under trees, And basically anywhere else that screams "THERE'S A CHEST HERE". Always try to locate a weapon in the first few chests you look in, if you don't get one at spawn. Be careful of traps (see below). Once you've played on maps multiple times it is really helpful to start memorizing where chests are, or form a chest route you follow on each map, this is really helpful and important to beat out other tributes in the early stages of the game and increase the chance of getting higher and more helpful gear to insure your win.

7. Be weary and alert of traps, traps are in a big majority of the MCSG maps. Traps can be easily spotted for the most part. Traps I have experienced: Trip wires, Buttons that lock you in a specific place, Pressure plates, Dispensers (lava), Spider web (Most of the time slowly drop you into lava). Most traps always have a chest to bait you in, so be on the lookout. Traps can also be used to your advantage in rare cases, say if you know exactly where a trap is and you're being chased you can try to get to the trap and actually trap your enemy or kill them, if it's the right kind of trap to do so.

Combat Tips:
1. Fighting with extra gear other than your basic sword is always a key factor in beating out your enemy in a 1v1 situation. My weapon of choice is a flint and steel which are a big help, they are quick and easy to make, make them with one flint and one iron, you don't even need a crafting bench! Use the one in your inventory. Your inventory will want to have these items, or at least these are the ones I like to use: Sword, Fishing rod, Bow and arrows, around 3 Flint & Steels, Food, and Golden apples.​
2. Once you have a flint and steel you will want to make sure you have a bow, and at least 10 arrows. Flint and steel plus a Bow can be a really lethal combination, A good way to use these two together: If someone is chasing you, pull out your flint and steel, light up the blocks in front of them or behind you, back up a few blocks, pull out your bow and shoot repetitively, once they start closing in on you pull out your melee range weapon and finish them off! If you don't have a bow you can also use a fishing poll once you've caught them on fire, if they are chasing you, turn and light them up then pull out your fishing poll, cast it a few times knocking them away, this makes it so they take damage from the fire and they can't hit you in the meanwhile, then take out your weapon and finish them. Hint: Don't keep your Flint & Steel too visible to your opponent , try to wait until they close in on you then surprise them with it.​
3. Golden apples. These are also a great necessity in coming out on top in a PvP battle. Golden apples regenerate health at a increased pace, so if you are falling behind in a battle pop a Golden apple and get back in the fight! If you are low without a golden apple, but have food bars I would recommend just running and stalling until you regenerate hearts, another thing to do that works well when fleeing is looking for other players fighting, or just other players, this way your predator will maybe go for them instead of you when you make your escape, If you are at a decent amount of hearts and you have set your enemies up in a fight, stay back and watch until someone has died or until you think they are low enough for you to defeat, then swoop in and reap the rewards.​
4. Fishing rods are something you always want to have in your hotkeys now in MCSG. How to use them: if someone is running at you you can quickly cast the fishing poll at them to break their sprint, then pull out your sword and get off hits before they can attack you, or you can use it to break sprint in the situation of chasing someone down. Also they work well with Flint & Steel as I explained above.
Armor order (Worst to best):
Hope these tips helped you improve your experience here at MCSG.
Don't forget to have FUN


Aug 30, 2012
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When you are in PvP with someone who has equal armor as you, and is more experienced, there are a few things to note.

First, use Flint and Steel to light them on fire to give you an advantage. This will slow them down and deal some damage to them

Second, use a fishing rod to hit them and break their sprint. This can let you get a few hits off of them.

Third, bows! If you have a bow and 5 arrows, they can deal MASSIVE damage when fully charged. This gives you an advantage.

Fourth, make golden apples! These can save your life when the enemy is slowed down and you have a couple of seconds to eat one.

Fifth, they are low! Fight them! They must be low now. If you are confident of your skills in sword, go ahead! You can strafe around the player and jump hit. It deals more damage and you can kill them easily. If you are better in bows (like me) use it! They deal more damage than a sword.

Last but not least, good game! Remember to say that when you kill them... :p


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, He looks pretty good to me, despite his wins. His playing time isn't high, so he made the transition from noob to good player quickly (unlike me). He has a high bounty and a high killstreak. Great guide:)

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