IGN: mikag35
Wins: 279
Skype: None as of right now, but I may be getting one soon
How I will help: I will spread the news of the new clan and also try to use the best of my abilities to make our clan well-known around the MCSG community.
how much do I like MCSG: MCSG is my FAVORITE server ever and I almost never use any other servers or do anything else on Minecraft.
have I ever teamed with the leaders: No, but that is because I usually go solo, so I am trying to change that by joining a clan because I think that would be interesting.
How often I am on: Between 1-2 hours a day, depending on my schedule
Pvp strengths and weaknesses: Good with flint and steel, good at swordfighting, good at water fights (except they are REALLY boring), but I struggle sometimes with a bow.
Favorite maps? SG2, SG3, SG5. I also like SG4 now because it is the only map that still has tier 2 chests. I absolutely HATE Breeze Island though, just pointing that out.
Sorry the leaderboard signature is about a week old.