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You should probably edit your signature, so you don't get Miami people excited.ACCEPTED LIEUTENANT! What's ur username?
ACCEPTED CAPTAIN!IGN(Ingame Name):SacredDestroyer
Wins(Must have 30+):67
How will you help the clan?:Help clanmates with fighting.
How much do you really like MCSG?:Very much.
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, or smallr?:truced with burningfire213
How often do you get on?:Everyday at least 3 hours
PvP weaknesses/strengths?:Weak at defending bows. Good using bows. Ok with swords and great at other weapons
Favorite maps?:SG4, breeze, tsg1, solar
ACCEPTED GENERAL! Welcome JordanIGN(Ingame Name):Jordanchohat
Wins(Must have 30+):190 i think
How will you help the clan?:Lead them to win
How much do you really like MCSG?:It's okay because the community is weird now
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, or smallr?:Yes, Burning
How often do you get on?:Almost always
PvP weaknesses/strengths?:Strengths are everything, weaknesses is flint and steel
Favorite maps?:Almost all
Lol Miami it's been a while since I've seen you!You should probably edit your signature, so you don't get Miami people excited.
*sniff sniff* I'm not co-leaderACCEPTED GENERAL! Welcome Jordan