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If MCSG has achievements?



1) I baked you a pie! : Eat a pumpkin pie! (5,000 points.)
2) I didn't bake you a pie! : Don't eat a pumpkin pie! (Lose 5,000,000 points.)
3) Just no. : Only have one arrow the whole game and not use it. (5 points.)
4) GRRR! : Have 5 bows in your inventory the whole game but no arrows. (5 points.)
5) Stacked! : Obtain a stack of arrows. (10 points.)
6) Diamonds? : Make a diamond tool. (Spade, sword, axe, pickaxe or HOE!)
7) Diamonds... : Make a pair of diamond boots or a helmet.
8) Diamonds! : Make a diamond boobplate or some diamond leggings. (150 points.)
9) HACKER! HACKER! HACKER! : Obtain full Iron armour and a diamond sword within the first three minutes of the game and die. (50 points.)
10) YOLO! : Die within the first ten seconds of the game. (5 points.)
11) Get me my gun... Now. : Get killed first, five times in a row. (10 points.)
12) I QUIT! : Get killed first, 10 times in a row. (25 points.)
13) FUUUUUU! : Get killed first, 25 times in a row. (100 points.)
14) Migrane. : Get killed first 50 times in a row. (250 points.)
15) Is this even possible? : Get killed first 100 times in a row. (500 points.)
16) Thats it, i'm calling the police. : Get killed first 200 times in a row. (1,000 points.)
17) Organize me a date with Jimmy Savile. : Get killed first 500 times in a row. (2000 points.)
18) I'm the new Bajan Canadian. : Get killed first... A THOUSAND (1000) TIMES! (5,000 points.)
19) Flying? : Jump off a cliff or building and land (dead of alive.) somewhere from a 20 blocks fall. (5 points.)
20) I'm flying! : Jump off a cliff or building. (dead or alive when you hit the ground.) but the fall is 100 blocks down. (20 points.)
21 I BELIEVE I CAN FLY! : Same as above, but only 250 blocks... (50 points.)


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
1. Stupid Clank!- Get killed by clankstar.
2. I.. what?- Get killed by someone with no points or weapons.
3. Holy crap.- Kill the #1 person on the boards!
4. Nobody needs this..- Burn 2 diamonds.
5. Finally.- After losing 50 games, win once.
6. Kill me now!- Have full Iron and a diamond sword, and fall off a cliff.
7. Next Food Network Star- Cook 50 pieces of food.
8. Stupid crap!- Have 0 wins and 500 losses.
9. I need an Advil.- Fall off a cliff and live with 1/2 a heart.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
1. Stupid Clank!- Get killed by clankstar.
2. I.. what?- Get killed by someone with no points or weapons.
3. Holy crap.- Kill the #1 person on the boards!
4. Nobody needs this..- Burn 2 diamonds.
5. Finally.- After losing 50 games, win once.
6. Kill me now!- Have full Iron and a diamond sword, and fall off a cliff.
7. Next Food Network Star- Cook 50 pieces of food.
8. Stupid crap!- Have 0 wins and 500 losses.
9. I need an Advil.- Fall off a cliff and live with 1/2 a heart.
Clank isnt even on the servers anymore.

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