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The Hell Games 3-You Ready Bro? {Apply Here}

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District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Tomersch
Age(required): 13
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Well... Lots of freinds are signing up, and I haven't participated in one yet, plus it looks like a lot of fun!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): Haven't been playing lately very much, so maybe 140 on global leaderboards
Can you record?: yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): I do, But I don't post content... yet
How many subscribers do you have?
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Hive. Somewhere in the 80's.
What timezone do you live in? Pacific Standard Time (PST) California FTW
Additional info: I've been pretty busy the last few weeks. But I go on spring break on March 16th.


Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Deadzombiesyum
Age(required): 14
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): It seems like it will be an awesome game to play, and a sweet thing to record and put on youtube. I've also heard great things about the last 2 :D
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): i have 146 wins atm, I don't know what place i am on the leaderboards
Can you record?: yessir
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): yep :D https://www.youtube.com/user/Frowning4aHippo?feature=mhee
How many subscribers do you have?: 29, but going up fairly guickly
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: no
What timezone do you live in?: East Coast (New York)
Additional info:


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): echo_555
Age(required): 14 ( 15 in april )
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Cuz im hilarious
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): 55th ( 458 wins )
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): TeamNitrideFTW
How many subscribers do you have? 30
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Yeh. ( there is no leaderboards )
What timezone do you live in? GMT ( Britain )
Additional info: I love Chez, I like to eat marshmallows, kill macwaw and flamedew and annoy eshan.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Cobrastyles
Age(required): 17 this year
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): I watched the last hell games and thought it was interesting
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): currently 78 in the world
Can you record?: yup
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): yeah
How many subscribers do you have? currently 91
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: MC infected on 500 ms :D just started so i dont think im on their leaderboards yet but i have a 2kd there
What timezone do you live in? GMT +8 but im noctournal :)
Additional info: I like cows. moo.


Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Test my l337 skillz
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): Rank 165
Can you record?: Nay
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Nay
How many subscribers do you have?
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: HiveSG Rank 90
What timezone do you live in? Central
Additional info:


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Soulv2
Age(required): 16
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Well, I'm Soulv2 and I want to own some nubs, duh.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): I haz dem 424 wins on Soulv2 and a beautiful win:played ratio on TheSoulCairn.
Can you record?: Yea.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): TheSoulCairn
How many subscribers do you have? Like 1000 minus the 1000.
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: I just play faction servers other than this and I dominate.
What timezone do you live in? Pacific Time Zone
Additional info: I'm Asian.


District 13
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): fushisushi
Age(required): 13
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): I've always wanted to be in the hell games, but I was rejected twice :(
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): :oops: pretty far down
Can you record?: yep
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yep
How many subscribers do you have? 50 in total.
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Nowhere, really :I
What timezone do you live in? eastern
Additional info: I really want to get in this time :(


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): RaddishDew

Age(required): 12

Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): I've honestly watched both of the previous hell games and absolutely love the contest and its concept. I've played minecraft for forever and MCSG since the early open beta. I'm not very good in combat but can stand in a fight, in additon I do have tactics and enough survival skill to make it through long games and enough intelligence not to run into the flames of retardation. I can live off the land and know when to break or bend.

Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): I've looked on the leaderboards and I cannot find my overall rank, but I'm sure it's reasonably mediocre, to be honest don't let that deceive you, the fact I have only a handful of wins does not dictate what happens in the games, I often usually make it to deathmatch or make it pretty damn close. To be honest I have tactics, solutions to issues I come across and usually make it out of situation using said tactics, so basically what I'm saying is I'm pretty good at running, eating and can stand and fight when I need too. [If anyone can tell me how to find it, I'll stick it on the end]

Can you record?: Yes, I can record for the whole of the games at a reasonable quality, I can use either hypercam or FRAPS and record at around 360p.

Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, I have alot of different youtube channels but I have little or none content on it. I'm planning on getting some decent recording equipment along with a half decent mic (which is better than my pretty damn awful one thats inbuilt I have now).

How many subscribers do you have?: N/A

Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: I play on a Garrys Mod TTT server and I am ranked Number 1 in that. But on Minecraft I don't usually play any hugely ranked servers, or any as organised as MCSG. [This question is very vague, I'm not sure whether your referring to just minecraft or other games too :p]

What timezone do you live in?: I live in the timezone of GMT.

Additional info: Last games I was offered a place as a replacement for a person who didn't turn up, but apparently seconds later the person offering the position realized they already had enough people, so that sucked immensely at the time. I'm also not the sort of person to turn up late OR forget to turn up at all.

Additional Additional Info: I like anime, manga, and reading. I've read the HG books and I know the sorts of things and tricks you'll try to pull on the contestants.

Additional Additional Additional Info: I've applied in the past.

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