Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
DeniedIGN: ToggledClick
Stats: 20/70
Past Clans: Feigned / Scythe / DanCovers / Sprinkles / Allegiant / Astralix / Victims and more
Why do you want to join Astrum?: i like Adi
DeniedIGN: LeaderFede
Stats: 1/4
Past Clans:
Weaken | Member
Oblivion| Officer
Victims| Elite
HopeLess | Owner
Hyper | Member
Nebula | Trial
Bionycs | Member
Hiatus | Member
Offensive | Member
Nascita | Elite
Why do you want to join Astrum? Why it is really a good clan who have good team work
NO ! It's Break !RIP Astrum 2k16
DeniedIGN: EpicSG
Stats: 3200/930
Past Clans: Fexium,Tracking,Fenton,Hostile,Astrum(I was trial maybe you can remember me (FiaxyRG) )
Why do you want to join Astrum? adi is good pvper