- Joined
- Aug 24, 2016
- Messages
- 25
- Reaction score
- 1
Siamo disbandati da 2 settimane siete nati oggi come clan e avete vinto lolFAKE WIN? HAHAHAH NICE MEME
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Siamo disbandati da 2 settimane siete nati oggi come clan e avete vinto lolFAKE WIN? HAHAHAH NICE MEME
wtf speak englishSiamo disbandati da 2 settimane siete nati oggi come clan e avete vinto lol
La smetti di fare il fighetto supermc ?wtf speak english
wtf? lel don't rosik pls rest in declinedLa smetti di fare il fighetto supermc ?
No lol you put fake win when you opent this clan yesterday abd us Empire disband 2 week old e_zwtf? lel don't rosik pls rest in declined
OkayCW versus Blackout ? Please add MrProPvP
DECLINED SORRYWhy should we accept you? because i search a clan competitive
Why do you want to join? i like this clan!
Donor on MCSG?no, soon
Previous clans? alusive, olympus, adrenaline and those of a year ago that I do not remember sorry
Skype name?NiicoPls
W/L Ratio?I gave my account to a friend of mine when I quittato from mc , so I lose a lot , anyway 400/21
IGN?RevageNico, soon NiicoPls