Past Clans:Astrum,Extazy,offensive....
Why do you want to join Astrum? I know bunch of people in Astrum,I'm member of Astrum after reborning and i want to still be in a Astrum..
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Past Clans:Astrum,Extazy,offensive....
Why do you want to join Astrum? I know bunch of people in Astrum,I'm member of Astrum after reborning and i want to still be in a Astrum..
Stats:96/1100(ps kupljen sa 4/600+)
Past Clans:Mortex,Insane,Genetic,Captains,Statics,Lugia(Good)
Why do you want to join Astrum?Sesi ste
AcceptedGN: HalfBoww
Age: 14
Skype: private.
Nationality: Serbia
Tell us about yourself: Beacuse i have pvp skill's
DeniedIGN: DaCuu_ (Donnor platinum) and a ALT
Stats: 293/904
Past Clanshayron, ExtremForce RektLife
Why do you want to join Astrum? I want to join Astrum beacuse it's a clan with good players and i think i can help the clan.
DeniedIGN: Jorly
Stats: 1/6
Past Clans: signature
Why do you want to join Astrum? i think it's a good clan with good members