Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
- Estas en PENDING, entre los integrantes del clan determinaremos si estas dentro o no .-Minecraft IGN:RealG4Life_
Name/Nickname:Cristian Lozano
Ping:40/50 ms
Wins:No Juego Por STATS en mcsg
Past Clans:Reverse,Phayron ETC
Do you have TeamSpeak?:Si
Active Daily (how many hours):Suelo Estar Toda la mañana y casi todas las tardes si entro al clan
Why do you want to join Arise?:Quiero Entrar a arise por que tengo a muchos amigos en este clan y me gustariaque el clan lo llevaramos muy lejos y tener bastante tw con vosotros va chavales GL <3
Ty <3Good Page
accep as denied sorryMinecraft IGN: Axeeeel
Age: 13
Skype: qxeeel.
Name/Nickname: samu
Country: italy
Ping: 50
Wins: id remember
Donor: no
Past Clans: signature
Do you have TeamSpeak?: yes
Active Daily (how many hours): 5
Why do you want to join Arise?: because idk
- You're ACCEPTED as Member .-
Minecraft IGN: StolKant
Name/Nickname: Calle
Country: Sweden
Ping: 30/40
Wins:8 Wins 6 lose
Donor: No
Past Clans: Signature
Do you have TeamSpeak?:
Active Daily (how many hours): 3/5
Why do you want to join Arise?: I got invited by arosesampo